Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Rhythm Section...

Nothing to do with the music Mark and I have been making.  Today was "date day" (we rarely do date night) - we went to see the movie "The Rhythm Section" with Blake Lively and Jude Law.  It is billed as a suspense thriller, but was mostly predictable.  The thrills were far apart, and the hand held cinematography in the chase scenes were more queasy-inducing than about the realism.

It has been a while since we went to a movie, and other than the coughing/hacking/wheezing/snotting section we wound up in (and trying hard to not breathe deep), the theaters here are a good experience.  I especially appreciate being able to pick your seats ahead of time.  Comfortable electric-reclining seats.  The popcorn tastes fresh.

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