Friday, February 28, 2020

You would have thought...

... I had the Corona Virus.

No, I don't.  I do feel a bit lousy, no doubt due to being around those juvenile germ factories for 4 days out of the last week.  Sore throat and sinuses draining.  Nothing bad enough to stop me from getting out and about.

We did our grocery shopping this morning... and in the words of the child philosopher from the Shake 'n Bake commercials of the 60s: "And I helped!"  Well, mostly I push the cart around and look for fruit that you can't really tell what it will be like.  But, I do push the cart back to the cart corral and help carry bags in from the car.  Then, I put Rufus on a leash, and he and I get out of the way while Joan puts stuff away.  Part science, part art, part voodoo, for where things go in this compact space.  Above my pay grade.

We had talked about getting out on the scoots this afternoon, but Joan had second thoughts: one of those thoughts was that I should lay down and take it easy.  Another of those thoughts was her getting into her next quilting project... which, by the way, is quite cool and reminds me of someone in this motorhome who is adored.  What?  No, not me - someone of the feline persuasion.

I decided to get out and about on the scoot.  No destination.  I found myself pulling into the Pebble Creek gated community.  The guard at the gate, sized me up on my Vespa and asked, "What can I help you with?"  I asked about seeing their model homes.  I could see what he was thinking, but he let me in, anyway.  I went to the model homes, and they have nothing I would be interested in... or could likely afford.  I asked about smaller square footage offerings, and the lady at the desk said, "We do have The Villas - they are an "attached" home (her emphasis)... and I found out they are what we normal folks would call a duplex.

She gave me directions to get to The Villas model homes... this is a large development and apparently they got their lot/street layout from a Spirograph design (remember those?): not much in the way of a direct way to get anywhere that I could see.  I followed the map and managed to stumble onto the Villas models.  I went inside a two bedroom model and met "the ambassador" inside.  I think they hired a Christopher Walken impersonator... Matt was from New Jersey (he even sounded like Christoper Walken); his job is to have a live person in the model home, probably for security's sake.  We visited for a while.  I tried to keep the conversation about the community, he wanted to tell me about his kids... one of whom is married and has two kids, the other isn't married, but lives with her long term boyfriend - "Kids these days"...

I looked around a bit - nice place; a very open design and good size rooms.  I thanked Matt for his time.  Even though other people came to look, I don't think he wanted me to leave.

From there, I rode around the Spirograph streets, mostly looking for a way out.  I finally pulled up our RV resort on Waze and eventually got out.

Heading back, I decided to stop at the new Harley dealer along the way.  Like most Harley dealers these days, it is a large building with high ceilings and plenty of glass (so you can see some of the Harleys lit up at night).  As I pulled into a parking spot, an employee who was outside saw me and averted his gaze...

I went inside, carrying my riding jacket.  I was greeted with: "Welcome back!"  Probably something they are told to say to anyone who is wearing riding gear.  I looked around at bikes - there's something you don't see everywhere:  Harleys that are marked down from full list price.  And, they had a LOT of bikes.  Even though I can now toss a leg over a motorcycle again, I didn't try any on for size... really, I am quite content with my Vespa.

I did walk back to their footwear area... no riding boots in a wide width.  And you know what they say: wide feet... well, probably something about needing wide boots.  It wasn't a long stay at the Harley dealer - they didn't have any Hollywood impersonators.  (Insert your own "impersonators on HDs" joke here.)  Nice place, though... and did I mention: a LOT of bikes?

It wasn't a lot of miles, but it was nice to get out on the scoot.

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