Monday, April 16, 2012

The favorite...

When our daughter was little, we would occasionally ask her, "Who's your favorite, your Mother or me?"

Of course, the standard kid reply would be, "I love you both the same."

"Well, if you were on a boat that was sinking, and you only had one life jacket, would you give it to me or your Mother?" Yeah, cruel, I know. I always thought the proper answer would be, "If I only had one, I'd keep it for myself," but you have to know what it's like to be a Daddy to know that isn't what you'd do.

Maybe I did that because both Joan and I are the "third kid;" she is the 3rd of 6, I was the youngest of 3. Our daughter is a one-and-only, so she was always "the favorite." Just so you don't think I gave her nothing but gut-wrenching things to ponder, I always told her, "Parents have kids until they have a perfect one, and then they quit. That's why you are an only child." Of course, that would explain my sibling situation, too. ;-)

Some of you know that we have had three cats over the years. Smoke was first, and was picked by our daughter when she was 10 years old. Smoke lived for almost 22 years. Next came Molly... if you've read my book, you know that Molly picked me (and vice versa). And now there is little Izzy. Izzy and Joan picked each other, no question about that. There is a sweet bond there. Izzy doesn't cuddle with me the way she does with Joan.

But, 4 times a day, I am the favorite. Izzy gets 4 meals a day, small portions on a very regular schedule. I don't know if she can tell time, or if she has a very accurate internal clock... but, 5 minutes before feeding time, I am the favorite. Did I mention: I am the one who does the feeding?

Just before lunch today...

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