Monday, May 19, 2014


Anyone remember the old gal that trained dogs who used to occasionally appear on Johnny Carson?  She would say, "Walkies!" when teaching the dogs to heel.  We didn't have Izzy's leash with us yesterday when we went to the waterfront, so we made another trip there today... after we were done getting the trailer into storage, me pacing around the boat, and Joan getting laundry done.

Izzy does fine on the leash... but, she is afraid of strange people.  A dozen Harleys can roar by - it doesn't bother her.  Loud trucks when we're driving - doesn't bother her.  Big dogs nearby - doesn't bother her.  If someone laughs, coughs, or talks within 100 yards of her, she knows they are cat killers.

We were not alone while enjoying the sunshine and the waterfront this afternoon... Izzy needed a bit of coaxing; she did fine, but it took a while...

We try to get her a view beyond the windows of our room here... doing our part to get her "worldly."  ;-)


Lost Petrel said...

What is a good cat bribe? ;)

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Our cats haven't been excited about "treats"... a soft voice and a light rub is a nice way to get acquainted. Come to think of it, that works for me, too. ;-) Looking forward to visiting with you.

MarkJ said...

There are just SO many things that come to mind when I see a picture of a man walking a cat on a leash. Good thing she's cute!

Can't wait to see and hear your whale stories this summer!

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Mark, how often do you see a picture of a man walking a cat on a leash? ;-) I'm looking forward to seeing some whales soon.