Thursday, May 1, 2014

Checkin' 'em off...

Happy May Day!  Nobody left a May basket at my front door.

Remember that old "one task per day" thing I said a while back?  Well, apparently, going for a cruise on the paddleboard this morning doesn't count as a task.

Before lunch, I got the outboard flushed, carb drained, and put in place on its new "mount" - she is ready to go.  I made a platform for the new satellite dish that we'll use up in Friday Harbor.

That's two tasks, if you're keeping score.

We had a late lunch at our local Italian restaurant; that's how I managed to get two tasks done before lunch.

Lunch was great... and relaxing.  I was ready for a nap afterwards.  But, no.  We took the scoots for lunch.  Since they were all warmed up when we got home, I decided to change the oil in them.  That has to be a "stealth operation," since we aren't supposed to do any "vehicle maintenance" here in the resort.  It was cool today, so comfortable to work in the cargo trailer.  All went smooth, except for a quick side trip to NAPA to pick up a long skinny funnel... we didn't have a funnel that would fit the reach to the oil fill on the scoots.  Pretty sure that arrangement was designed by someone who never had to work on it.

I don't know if the oil changes count as one or two tasks - at any rate, I should have earned a day or two off somewhere along the way.

We'll see how that works out.


Bill K said...

My guess is don't count on a day off.


Bill Kelleher

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

In that case, I need to cut back. If I work at it a bit more, I could be a good slacker. ;-)