Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dr. Julie, a movie, and beach flowers...

We started our day out with a trip to Izzy's vet, Dr. Julie.  No problems, just her annual check-up.  She is a healthy girl, steady weight, and took her exam and rabies shot like a big girl.  She makes no fuss about going into her carrier, but didn't really want to come out of the carrier in the exam room... amazing strength for an 8 pound cat.  Back home, she was not cranky or fussy...

Joan and I did some "hunting and gathering"... well, gathering up things that need to go into the motorhome; planning for what will go where in the cargo trailer.

Lunch at Burger Fi, and a movie - we saw The Longest Ride, from a Nicholas Sparks novel.  It was a good movie, and a nice diversion.  We had the theater to ourselves until just before the movie started, when another couple came in.  "May we join you?" he asked.  His wife said, "We could sit right there, in front of them."

"No problem," I said, "but I should warn you that I like to put my feet up on the seats!"  (No, I don't, but it was good for a chuckle.)

I'm guessing the other 3 theaters weren't much more occupied - there were only a half dozen cars in the parking lot when we left.  Quiet around here right now, but the "Beach and Biker Fest" starts tomorrow.

Before heading home, we took a drive by the beach...

A hazy afternoon - you can hardly see the highrises in the distance on that lowest image.  Looking out at the water on the horizon, the water and sky kinda blended together.

The Tropical Tip is actually consider a semi-arid climate; hard to believe that on these humid days.  But, it is a good environment for cacti... and there are some just off the greenery at the beach...

Yep, lots of flowering buds on the cacti...

Look close at that last image... what looks like an "X" in the lower center is actually a spider.  I was using Joan's phone for these images - that was as close as I was going to get.  No, I'm not afraid of spiders, not even the big yucky ones like in this photo - I wasn't going to try to tip-toe through cacti to get any closer.  Yeah, that's the reason.  ;-)

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