Monday, September 7, 2015

The sun'll come out...

... tomorrow!

Go ahead, try to get that song out of your head, now.  ;-)

We've had a couple days of mostly sun - the opportunity to dry things out.  Things like the patio mat, the scraper/mat, the blocks we use to make the cargo trailer solid (for coming and going with the bikes), the awning.

Today was one of the last tasks before pulling in slides and raising jacks (which we will do right before we move): the cargo trailer.  The bikes are strapped down.  We are lighter leaving than we were arriving -  we brought a lot of supplies to make it through the summer.  We planned pretty well.  We have some garbage to dump once we're off the island (mostly recycle stuff).  Lubed up the trailer jack, tongue, and locks.

We rode into town to get laundry done.  Rode back in for lunch and some grocery shopping.

Little Izzy seems agitated... might be because she senses that we're getting all excited about "something."  Might be because Stephanie has been sending us photos of Tasha (their newest furry family member); when Izzy last saw her, Tasha was about 3 1/2 pounds.  In the past six months, that little fur ball has grown to 12 pounds (she is a big breed, Siberian Forest Cat).  Izzy may have to be friendlier when they meet again, later this month.


You put your right foot in...

No, nothing to do with the Hokey-Pokey.  Although, I have heard: "That's what it's all about."

Last week, Joan encouraged me to buy a pair of Keen socks.  In the past few years, I have discovered the pleasure of nice socks.  No more 12-pair-for-$3 socks from Sam's Club.  These Keens are different: there is a right sock and a left sock.  Family members know that I have some wide ol' feet.  You know what they say: big feet... big shoes.  Big socks, too.  Socks don't come in extra wide widths like some shoes (rarely the really cool shoes).

I have tender feet, too.  I can feel the seams in socks.  And, the "uni-foot" socks (I just made up that terminology) means that the socks bunch up where your little toes are.  Not with these Keens.  Really, they taper back like your toes taper back.  Well, my toes taper back.  And, the socks fit reasonably snug, without being too tight.  Two thumbs up... well, two big toes up!

I wore the Keens today for the first time... and decided to pick up a couple more while we were in town.  Happy feet.


MarkJ said...

As you drive down the road just remember Jim that "It's all about the bass, about that bass, NO TREBLE".....

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thank you, Mark. Although I am a fan of the treble, too. ;-)