Friday, January 24, 2025

Doctor Visit...


Not Joan or me, this time - Murphy was due for his annual wellness check-up.  Last year at this time, we were dealing with an ear infection, that we are sure he came us with.  This year, we anticipate no "issues."

The boy was not happy about being put in the carrier...

 "Have I been bad?"  Look at those ears - not a happy expression.

The exam went well.  Murph did fine; the vet tech and the Dr both told him how handsome he is.  13.4 pounds (he was less than 10 pounds when we got him 13 months ago).  He has grown to be a big boy.  The vet declared him healthy and said he looks good.  We feel he is thriving.  He eats well, isn't overweight, and gets plenty of exercise - he is the most "athletic" of any of the cats we've had.

I held my breath when the vet examined his ears... she said, "Everything looks great."  Joan is good about giving him "spa days," where he gets ears cleaned, teeth brushed, and claws trimmed; he handles all that just fine.

Sweet boy.


Recording (Is this thing on?)

This afternoon, Mark and I got together to record some vocal tracks... Joan and Cindy had a nice leisurely lunch.  Mark was at his DAW (digital audio workstation), while I sang...


Still a work in process.


Earl49 said...

I understand that look. I'm never all that happy about my doctor appointments either, two of which are coming up next week.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hopefully, Alice doesn't have to take you there in a carrier. Murphy was not happy about the carrier. For the record, I was happy with my last Dr visit: he said, "You're in good shape," and did NOT add "for a guy your age." ;-)