Friday, January 17, 2025



If you look through YouTube videos much (I do), you will see that word: overhyped.  A lot.  As in: "Is this the most overhyped camera this season?" or "Is Tail of the Dragon the most overhyped motorcycle road?" or "Is this video camera Overhyped or is it Truly the Best?" or "Is the Emerald X20 the most overhyped carbon fiber guitar?"

You could say that the word Overhyped is... overhyped.  ;-)

I have been watching a lot of DJI Pocket 3 videos on YouTube... this camera may be overhyped, because there seem to be more people using this camera than any other recent cameras, based on the seemingly endless numbers of videos either using or featuring this camera.

Whew!  It's good to learn about the features, but when it comes to determining exposure or color balance, I have a bit of experience in that area... from back in the day when everything on our studio cameras was full manual.  Including the focus.

It has been interesting learning another new camera.  I don't think the features and use have been overhyped.

DJI Pocket 3 4K Handheld Camera, 1 of 6 

Oh, I just saw another video pop up: "Cut through the hype - a 6 month review of the DJI Pocket 3."  ;-)

One other over-used word: cinematic... "How can I shoot more cinematic video?" or "Use this technique to make your videos look more cinematic" or how about: "Is the word cinematic overhyped?"  Yeah, that last one is mine.

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