Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Making music with my buds...


No, not my ear buds - making music with my friends.  We were missing one guy today: our friend Ron had hand surgery last Friday.  He tells us he is doing well, but I know he is concerned about when he'll be able to play guitar again.  Looking forward to getting him back with us, even though he won't be playing for a while.  Maybe one-handed percussion and vocals until his hand is healed?

Three of the six there have seen the Bob Dylan movie, so there was more than a little interest in doing some Dylan songs.  Mark had one stipulation: "No Bob Dylan impressions!"  It is his house.  I couldn't control myself... after a half hour or so, Bob Dylan impressions came out of my mouth like green puke and obscenities came out of Linda Blair in The Exorcist.  I think it may be some form of Tourettes Syndrome: whenever there is a mention of Bob Dylan, my mouth spews out lame Bob Dylan impressions.

That bit of indiscretion aside, I think we all had a good time today.  Mark asked everyone to come with 2 or 3 songs they want play... I suggested a challenge to go along with that: "Let's try to play some songs where we don't have to read the chords and lyrics from our iPad.  Get our heads and eyes out of the iPad and onto each other..."  There seemed to be more smiling happening after that.  And that is the whole point in getting together: make some music and having fun with friends!

Cindy took a couple photos, these are courtesy of Cindy Lamkin...

You can see what I'm talking about with the iPads; they certainly make it easy to introduce new songs, but it was fun to see the guys looking at each other while we were playing.

Yeah, there was iPad watching during this particular song.  ;-)


A rambling video on the drive to "Band Camp", DJI Action 4 clipped to the visor.  Audio is less than great, coming direct from the camera, rather than that DJI Mic 2 (that didn't want to connect, for the first time ever)...

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