Wednesday, March 19, 2025

A Hot Tub Morning...


Joan asked if I wanted to soak in the hot tub this morning.  I use it almost every night, but I am happy to be a two-soak-a-day kinda guy.

Before we were ready to go out to the tub, I got a text from my cousin Gary, with a photo showing the winter conditions where he lives, in Sioux City, Iowa...

 In the message, he said, "If you ever lose your sanity and decide to come back to the midwest..."

That's a big Nope for me.

When we were done soaking, Joan said, "Let me get your phone and take a photo you can send to Gary"...

 I agree with you: "I'd rather see Joan in the hot tub than you, Jim."  It was a lovely, relaxing soak.

I decided this was a good time to clean the filters and top off the water in the tub.  While I was working at that, Murphy wanted to look around...

 No, we aren't worried about him falling in - the boy is very exacting in his movements.  And curious.  This is not his first time hopping up there.

After we soaked, we took time to take in the pretty morning: it will be in the mid-70s today, plenty of sunshine.

Would I rather be in the frozen northland?  You don't really need an answer, do you?  I don't think it is a coincidence that the airport identifier for Sioux City is: SUX.



Earl49 said...

What a great airport ID! Speaking of winter, I was telling someone at lunch today that after going to school in the UP at Michigan Tech (a small drinking school with a large engineering problem) we moved to Anchorage for the fairly MILD winters. I don't miss any of that. What passes for winter here is pretty tame. I'm am getting quite leery of slippery icy surfaces - it is a long way down if I fall.

A used Sable is now en route to me from ABQ for Friday delivery. If schedules work out, I will visit with Fretting Flyer in SLC on Monday. Flight planning now....

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

A Sable - congrats! Nice guitars. I'll be interested to hear your impressions when you get it, especially how you think it compares to your X20.