If you said, "The Everly Brothers, 1958," you get 15 bonus points. The song is about a guy crushing on a girl, but can't work up the courage to talk to her, so he is "dreaming my life away." Sweet or sad - perspective.
Well, thanks for getting all dreamy on us, Jim. You're welcome. Damn, I'm talking to myself again.
We all have dreams. Most of us don't remember them. The AI overview: According to current understanding, dreams are considered a way for the brain to process information, emotions, and memories from the day, often representing unconscious desires, thoughts, and feelings, though the exact meaning can be subjective and varies depending on the individual and their life experiences; some theories suggest dreams help with memory consolidation, emotional processing, and creative problem solving, while others view them as simply random brain activity during sleep.
I often dream about working. Yes, I usually wake up tired from those dreams. Some times, they are about driving boats, but most often they are about doing photography. Usually, about a particularly difficult photography session. Yes, during my longest career, there were some trying times in the studio. But, last night's dream was different: it was a family session. They were dressed perfectly. Parents, two adult kids both married, one with 2 kids the other with one. So, a group of 9. They were all happy to be there, even the youngest kids. Everyone was cooperative. The session was easy. The results were some of my best work... definitely what I'd call "front window material."
So, why the dream? As far as I can tell, I have no control over what I dream. But, it sure is nice when the dream is satisfying. Do I want to do photography again? Nope. Only for my own "memory insurance." The world of photography has changed so much... I don't think most people have the regard for professional imaging as they did before phone cameras made "everyone a photographer."
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