Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Happy Birthday To Our Sweet Girl...


On this day, many years ago, Stephanie came into this world.  "Yep, this is going to change everything."

It has.

I won't get all mushy here, other than to say she is, indeed, our pride and joy.  She is working today, and we will get together when she gets home.  A group effort is planned for supper.  It won't be a big celebration, because she and Dan go to bed early, since tomorrow is another work day.  Such is life for those in the working world.  ;-)



It was a nice evening.  I made steaks (and salmon for Joan), Joan made baked potatoes (and a baked sweet potato) and especially tasty cornbread, Steph made green beans.  A nice supper for the 5 of us (their niece Tessa is still staying with them), and a bunch of gift and card openings...


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