Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Thoughts While Driving...


Driving to Mark's yesterday to get together with my music buds, I put on a microphone (DJI Mic2) and clipped an action camera (DJI Action 4) to the sun visor; then occasionally pointed a DJI Pocket 3 video camera through the windshield.

Random thoughts, starting off with getting elected president of the HOA board, then talking about driving the van.  I really like driving the van.  I would use it as a daily driver if we had a garage big enough for it.

I also like videoing these random thoughts.  Not so fond of the editing, but this was pretty straight forward - drop some footage of looking out the windshield over the footage from the camera pointing at me.

And, here it is...

 This is another one of those "unlisted" videos - the only place you'll see it is here on the blog.  It won't be public on YouTube.  Just taking the opportunity to "play" with the camera gear.


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