Thursday, March 6, 2025

Everyone knows it's Windy...


If you said, "A pop song by The Association, 1967," you get 15 bonus points.  If you found these words going through your head, "Who's peekin' out from under a stairway, Calling a name that's lighter than air. Who's bending down to give me a rainbow, Everyone knows it's Windy," you get an additional 10 points.

Not really a weather report, but Murphy wasn't too keen on spending time outside this morning: the wind is blowing close to 20mph out of the southwest, with occasional higher gusts.  Unlike when we lived in the Tropical Tip, where it is frequently windy, this is not typical here.  So, Murph is quite content to sit on the couch today...


He's not the only one - I considered getting out on one of the bikes.  Nahhhh.


Another cooking test in the air fryer - this time: steak...

 "How bad was it?"  Thanks for asking... not bad.  Not as good as on the griddle, but I'm thinking it will work for a small appliance in the van.  (Plus, I didn't have to stand out in the wind today.)


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