Monday, March 24, 2025

Golden Hour...


If you ask any photographer, they will tell you: "Golden Hour is that time just after sunrise or just before sunset when the light is infused with red and gold tones, making the light softer and warmer.  A great time for creating photographic portraits."  What they won't tell you: that time isn't really "an hour" and the light and color temperature is constantly changing.  I got some of my favorite portraits back in the day during that time around sunset.

If you ask any medical professional, they will tell you: "The first hour after the occurrence of a traumatic injury, considered the most critical for successful emergency treatment."  Not my field of expertise.  Just trying to be thorough with these definitions.

Murphy and I were out in the courtyard during "Golden Hour" today.  I wasn't planning on shooting anything, so all I had with me was my iPhone.  The images would be better if using a longer lens and a shallower depth of field, but... ya use what ya got.
And, Murphy is not a patient poser like his predecessors.  He hopped up on the hot tub (yes, the lid is always closed when it isn't being used), and I couldn't resist shooting a bunch of images.  Here's a few...
A mostly back-lit profile...


 With South Mountain in the background.  I moved around to the other side to get this next shot - the background isn't as striking, but the light is a bit more open...

 He stayed up there for at least 10 minutes; not typical for this boy... unless he's napping.  He got a lot of outdoor time today.  Joan and I were out during the 12:00 to 2:30 time (lunch out, and some errands on the way home) - that meant Murphy got to go out other times during the day.


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