Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Bed On A Bed...


Joan's latest project: working on a bedding solution in the van.  Some decisions to be made.  In researching, I found a company named Beddy's that has zip-on/zip-off bedding.  It is not made specifically for RVs, but they had a lot of reviews from RVers.  The other option would be for Joan to make something specifically for those beds.  We have tried blanket/sheets and sleeping bags... neither was a good solution: the leather is pretty, but it is slick.  Anything you put on top of it is going to slide around if you turn over in your sleep.  And, I do.

We have decided that making the beds up each night and putting away the bedding each morning isn't what we want to do.  That means covering that pretty tan color Italian leather seating/bed surface.  I have to admit, that leather was one of the things that attracted me to this model.  I have been dragging my feet on a solution that would hide that leather.

I asked about bedding solutions on a Roadtrek group on Facebook that we belong to - and received a lot of helpful responses.  Beddy's products received a good amount of positive reviews, some suggested using a daybed quilt, about the same number suggested sleeping bags.  We decided to go for the Beddy's.  The twin bed size is a pretty close fit for our beds.

We brought one of the sleeping mats (not really a mattress) in the house and started fitting things...

Fortunately, we have Murphy to help us with all this bedding stuff (playing in the covers while the bed is being made is his absolute favorite thing)...

Joan is cutting and sewing a queen size mattress pad to put over the leather, and then the Beddy's bedding will go on top of that.  The key to making this all work: having that surface comfortable for sleeping and for sitting on (those beds are our couches during the day).  Joan will be adding a quilt over the top of each bed that will be fitted; and can be used as an extra blanket if we are somewhere that it is cold.

It's a good plan, one that should work well for our use.  It is going to take some time.  I will be doing my part by trying to keep Murphy out from under foot while Joan is working on all this.  In legal terms, I think this would be considered "an attractive nuisance" from Murphy's perspective.  And will likely be several days in the process.

I'll post some photos when the project is done.

Looking back towards the couches/beds...


Pat Anderson said...

Patty here. We tried the Beddy system for our camper bed (it's a full queen mattress) and we absolutely loved it. Ended up buying one for the 5th wheel and for our bed at home in Birch Bay. Hope it works for you.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Patty - good to hear from you! We put the Beddy's in as a "test fit" today: it is going to work well. Joan is working on a quilt (remaking a purchased quilt) that will be a bed cover when we're using the beds as our couches. I took some photos that will be in another post. Enjoy your time in the desert!