This is an unfair test of the Sony a6700. Unfair? Yeah, full moon images I've taken in the past with the Nikon DSLR were shot with a 300mm lens. With this Sony, my longest lens is an 85mm. To get a moon image that reasonably fills the frame means some pretty extensive cropping. And, considering that, the image holds together pretty well...
The actual full moon happens around 2:30 (ish) tomorrow afternoon. So, tonight and tomorrow night will both be good times to get out there and howl at the moon! According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, this is called the the Full Wolf Moon - presumably because, according to Native American, Colonial American, and European sources, it was this time of year when wolves were more likely to be heard howling.
Another fitting name for this full Moon is the Center Moon. Used by the Assiniboine people of the Northern Great Plains, it refers to the idea that this Moon roughly marks the middle of the cold season.
Other traditional names for the January Moon emphasize the harsh coldness of the season: Cold Moon (Cree), Frost Exploding Moon (Cree), Freeze Up Moon (Algonquin), and Severe Moon (Dakota). Hard Moon (Dakota) highlights the phenomenon of the fallen snow developing a hard crust.
Yeah, I remember those Dakota winters. This seems pretty accurate.
The full moon illuminated the frost on everything last night. I could see distinct shadows from the trees in the yard. 28° now but headed above freezing, and all of the "s-word" that fell on Friday is long gone. Better here than being in my old neighborhood on the Hillside in south Anchorage. They had sustained winds of 90+ mph and gusts of 125 over the weekend. A pedestrian bridge crossing the main road up on the hill blew down and closed the only road in and out. Considerable roof damage on many homes, along with phone and power outages. Windy and warm Chinook storms are common in January there, with winds blowing over the mountains from Prince William Sound, but not like this.
Wow - good time to not be in Anchorage! And, thank you for self-censoring the "s-word"... I'm very sensitive. I know you will understand: I used to enjoy flying at night, after a snow (not IN it), with a full moon - gorgeous! Stay warm!
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