Starting with the full moon...
About 10:20, partial coverage...
About half...
Three fourths of the way into the eclipse...
Just a sliver left...
And the Blood Moon: this exposure required me to up the ISO to 5000, dropping the shutter speed to 1/300 and opening up the aperture - all resulting in a lot of "noise" in the image...
Some Photoshop...
Joan joined me out there, taking it all in. I asked her, "Does this feel like New Years Eve, and we're just trying to stay up long enough to see it?"
"Pretty much."
It's Still Rock 'n Roll To Me...
If you said, "Billy Joel, 1980, from the album Glass Houses," you get 20 bonus points.
I made some music today, but not with my regular music buddies. I somehow became Facebook Friends with a guy that lives about a mile and a half from us. We seem to have a lot in common - I generally don't accept friend requests on FB if I don't actually know the person, but here we are. Turns out, he is also a musician.
I asked him what kind of stuff he is playing, and I got an invite from him to spend an afternoon playing with him and 4 of his friends. That happened today. They are good players and Allan (my new friend's name) hosts things at his house. He said he has plenty of gear, if I didn't want to bring anything. That was an understatement...
I should have taken photos. Guitars, amps, 8 basses, a drum set that would be right at home with a band playing arenas. A full PA. Congas and other percussion gear. Three keyboards. Stage lighting. I didn't look close, but I think we were using a 16 channel mixing board. Our styles aren't too similar - they are a jam band with 10 minute guitar solos, but Allan sent me a list of some of their songs, so I could be somewhat ready. The volume level was close to arena rock, too.
They appreciated my vocals... on songs I haven't played since the 70s. Yes, we played Freebird. My Emerald X20 felt a bit out of place with all that hard-rockin' gear. I was invited to join them again... if I do, I'll take one of my electric guitars (yes, my X20 is an electric/acoustic, but it is all about the acoustic sound). Their drummer invited me to play drums on a few songs... it has been decades since I sat behind a drum set like this. Fun, but I think I will need a soak in the hot tub tonight (I used some muscles that haven't been exercised in a long time); on the bright side: no set up or tear down. And a really short commute. ;-)
Nicely done. I missed it, as bedtime called. This has been a busy week and I'm not as young as I once was. Happy birthday to Steph too.
Yep, we stayed up past our normal bedtime. I can't be as young as I was, but I can still be child-like (not the same as childish). ;-)
Our running joke is that we never had children because Alice already has one very large unruly child to deal with -- just about my height. And she pointed out that any kids raised by us would likely take after both. That was too scary.
Sounds like an interesting jam with new friends. At least the commute was easy.
Hi Earl. One kid was a good number for us; so Joan has one kid and one aged adolescent.
The new jam was interesting. All nice guys. It's been a while since I played with anyone new. And, my ears have stopped ringing this morning. ;-)
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