Saturday, March 1, 2025

Tower of Power...


This band kicks!

 This concert was at the Wild Horse Pass Casino; closer for us than going to Celebrity Theater or MIM.  Our second concert this week (well, third if you count Mark, Ron, and me playing out), and one more to go.

Joan wanted to go early, presumably so we could check out the showroom location... not so she could sit at a slot machine.  Apparently, we have been to this casino years ago - it looked like all the other Indian casinos in the Valley: nice, modern.  They have a variety of restaurants.  Slot machines and gaming tables.

I told Joan she looked "like a million bucks"... I had to up my game so I didn't look like a buck fifty...

 Yes, I put on an actual sport coat.  Joan found a machine that "looked good" - they all look the same to me, just different themes.  I walked around to find a poker machine.  My choice looked like... every other poker machine.  In the end, I came out $10 ahead; I walked around to find Joan and she was sitting at a machine, but not playing.  Apparently, she did not come out ahead; I didn't ask.

The showroom here is an interesting venue: two levels of seating.  Our seats were in the upper level, and quite a steep slope...

 While we were further from the stage than at Celebrity Theater, it should mean every seat has a good view.  I heard that this concert was sold out, but there were some empty seats when Tower of Power started, right on time.

 Yep - this is a good view.  Until...

 I am not kidding - this guy was huge, with the biggest head I've seen on a human being.  So much for my view, but ToP is about the music more than the "show."  And the music was great!

 The empty seats quickly filled in - I guess people are used to concerts starting late, but that was not the case with this one.  Tower of Power is known for their powerful horn section, but every musician in this band is outstanding.

 They played for a solid hour and a half, stepped off the stage while the crowd shouted "T-O-P!", then came back for a 2 song encore.

Another fun night... and we were home at 10:15.  Or, as I like to put it: "Party 'till the sun goes down!" ;-)



Earl49 said...

A guy I worked with years ago did their sound in the Bay Area in the 80's before they got really big. We worked at the same acoustical consulting firm, and he designed audio systems while I did other things. Unfortunately I have never been able to see T-O-P in person. But I don't go to many big concerts anymore.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Tower of Power is my kinda music - love those horns! Cool that you have a "near brush" with them. The concerts we have been doing (MIM, Celebrity Theater, the Showroom at Wild Horse Pass) all have house sound systems. ToP had amps for guitar, bass, and keyboards, but everything miced through the house sound. Sure makes for easier set up for the band.