Saturday, November 10, 2012

Time to renew...

Where did the time go?  It seems like just a short time ago, I was up to my armpits with getting fingerprinted (repeatedly), getting orifices probed, and swearing to a bunch of stuff.  No, nothing to do with being arrested, it is time to renew my Captain's license.

Plenty of paperwork.  Duplicating more of that for the TWIC (Transportation Workers Identification Credential).  Writing a check here and there.  A physical.  Proof that I am enrolled in a chemical testing consortium (beyond the card issued by that consortium that states that fact).  Hoops here, jumping there.  Sea time affidavits.

This process should only take a month or so to wade through, get all the documents in order, and get it sent off.

It makes dealing with the Department of Motor Vehicles drivers license folks a real picnic.

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