Monday, November 19, 2012

Ya know why I like boats and RVs?

No furniture shopping.  You get an RV, it comes equipped with furniture and it all matches.  Same thing with cabin type boats.  Oh, you add a few personal touches, but you don't start with a bare room and have to search forever to find just the right stuff that goes in there and goes together.

The music room has been a relatively minor project.  Joan did all the leg-work for the storage unit... well, more like finger-work, since she did most of it on-line.  Then, there was the discussion of what to do on the other side of the room... I was OK with the desk that was there, Joan wanted to pull that out and put in a comfortable chair.  So, we compromised... and pulled out the desk and put in a comfortable chair.  I did suggest we get an area rug - something to soften the sound bounce in a small room full of hard surfaces.

Today, I had to make a trip to the big city to pick up my TWIC card.  So, we made a day of it and finished off the furniture shopping for the music room...

I have to admit, it almost has a "man cave" feel to it now.  Well, no neon Budweiser signs or anything like that, but it is a very cozy place to pick up a guitar and play.

And, all decent shopping experiences.  No doubt, that will change in a few days.  ;-)  Our timing was good.  Even picking up the TWIC card went as well as a government mandated experience could go.

Well, there was the one car that passed us on the right, by driving up the curb... but, that's just another day in Brownsville. ;-)

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