Saturday, October 20, 2018

And I hepped...

If you said, "The Shake 'n Bake commercial from the 60s and 70s," you get 50 bonus points.

Joan wanted to bake something.  I am all in on this.  She looked through her cupboard and said, "I have everything I need to bake chocolate chip cookies... except the chips are the mini-size and I don't have many, and we need some butter."

Being the helpful baking assistant I am (and by that I mean: she bakes it and I eat it), I offered to run to the store for her.

She said, "That would be helpful - you could take your scooter."  See, I am "helpful," and there's a chance I may get to the store and back and not get rained on.

To Wally World via Vespa.  No crazy drivers tried to take me off the road all the way there and back.  Yes, one in a row!

Walmart wasn't packed; I was in, got the two items, self-checked (didn't get an employee discount), and back out in about 4 minutes.  A new world record!  (The crowd goes wild!)

A bit cool for a t-shirt and shorts on the scoot... no scolding, I had on a helmet, gloves, and real shoes... but, it felt great to sneak in another scooter ride before Mother Nature unleashes again.


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