Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Is it in?

Really, no one wants to hear that.  What?  Talking about the boat?  Oh, yeah, we prepped the dock and launched the boat before the heat of the day.

We have a system: we drive together in the CR-V, pulling the boat.  I back the boat/trailer down the ramp while Joan gets the ramp gate open.  When the motor is in the water, I get out of the SUV and get on the boat; start the motor and make sure it is emitting a good pee stream.  Joan backs the trailer just a bit more, I give the boat a bit of reverse, and... I back away from the ramp while Joan pulls the trailer out of the water.

While I am enjoying a leisurely scenic cruise back to our dock, Joan hauls the trailer back to our driveway and thoroughly flushes with with fresh water.  I don't have any photos of her rinsing the trailer, but here's what I was doing: in the Intracoastal Waterway...

Making the turn to the western-most canal on our island...

As I make the turn, "Are you shi... um, kidding me???"

Yes, the dredge that has been the bane of my boating for 2 years is in that canal!!  Really, I thought they were supposed to be done at the end of last December.  Well, they were supposed to be done WAY before that, but... I have no reason why they aren't gone.  But, there is still dredge pipe in this canal.

That thing looking like the Lochness Monster to the right of the boat is part of the dredge pipe.  Seriously, I think they have set up residence in that damn piece of crap dredge and they're never leaving!!

Thanks, I feel better getting that out.  As long as they don't block me in/out as they have done MANY  times, there won't have to be any unpleasantness.  Really, I'm over it.

I continued down that canal and turned into ours.  As I pulled up towards our dock, Joan was waiting there to handle lines...

Yes, the boat is in...

No, we haven't gotten out yet, other than me bringing the boat around.  We hauled the trailer back inland to our storage unit, then over to the island for a late lunch at Burger Fi.  We are now into the hottest part of the day, with an actual temperature of 87º with a "feels like" temperature of: "OMG, it is the Gates of Hell!!  I'm melting!  I'm melting!!"  Or, something like that.

The weather weasels are calling for a couple days without monsoon type rains.  Of course, they said that yesterday, too... they lied.  We'll get out... soon.


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