Monday, October 8, 2018

It's all about the angle...

I was playing guitar this morning for Joan and Rufus.  Usually, Joan will brush him while I am playing and singing.  This morning, she was reading Catster Magazine.  I haven't looked at it, but I assume that is a magazine for hipster cats.  Rufus is not a hipster - he is just a cool cat.

Joan showed me a couple photos of more Maine Coon cats.  Yep, Rufus looks kinda like those.  She used her phone to take a couple photos - going for a low angle so she could crop me out of the photo.  Mostly.  I, too, am not a hipster.

But, Rufus is one very cool cat...

OK, if you look close to the lower left side of this image, I am kinda in it.  Accidentally.

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