Friday, September 13, 2024

A desert first...


Yesterday.  Out on the patio.  Murphy and I were out there and I saw him bat at something... I went over to check.  Yep, a scorpion.  No, I didn't get a photo.  But, I did dispatch the critter.  Murph is not worldly enough to know what he shouldn't poke at.

Speaking of that, I was on the phone yesterday and got "knifed."  Not an actual knife attack, but a furry boy with claws like Wolverine.  He and I will often play at the arm of my chair: I tease him a bit by running my hand along the edge of the chair and he will jump up and try to swat it.  It's a fun game when we both know what we're doing.  In this circumstance, I didn't know we were playing... didn't even know he was there, stalking.  He jumped up, went for the swat, and I didn't pull back.  He got me with one of his claws...

 It was not malicious.  And if you look close, there are plenty of other scars on the back of my hand, with each of our previous cats having left a mark.  Not to mention that my skin is thinner these days.  (Not talking about being easily offended.). ;-)


Family Time...

We had a home inspector at the house today - we are coming up on 11 months with the house and will be turning in a list of things to be addressed before the one year warranty is up.  All very minor things - the inspector (who seemed very thorough) said, "This is as good as it gets on a one-year inspection - it's a nice house."  That's reassuring.

That took the whole morning.  Steph and Dan had taken the day off to attend a ground breaking for a new school in the district where they used to work... the school is being named for one of their friends (Loretta) who has been with the district for 39 years.  I think it is great to honor one of their teachers instead of a "public official."

The four of us went out for lunch afterwards - another treat.  I missed having time with Steph and Dan while we were gone this summer.  Time to think about this past year and all the changes for all 4 of us.  It has been a good move; we truly appreciate getting to see "the kids" almost every day.  We love the house and are very happy with the neighborhood and where we are located in the Phoenix valley.  We've adapted quite well to "life in the big city."  The blazingly hot summer weather is tough, but we are supposed to get below 100º for a daytime high by Sunday.  We may have been a bit too soon in getting back here.

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