Wednesday, September 11, 2024

It's Still Rock 'n Roll To Me...


If you said, "Billy Joel, 1980, from the album Glass Houses," you get 15 bonus points.

I got together with my music buddies today; first time in a couple months.  Five of us for today's session: Mark, Ron, Danny, Gil, and me.  Even though we haven't all played together in a couple months, it was easy getting back into it.  We're all about the same age, meaning same music era, and somewhat similar tastes in music.

Joan came with me today, and she and Cindy (Mark's wife) went out for lunch while the guys had pizza and got going with some music.  When they got back, they were an appreciative audience for the music we were making... Mark even talked Cindy into playing her "rain stick" on a couple songs...

 Joan took photos while we played - I think she got everyone in some photos...

A good time - I missed seeing my friends while we were gone.

And, a short video snippet...


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