Sunday, September 1, 2024

Well, I've Never Been To Spain...


But, I kinda like the music.  If you said, "Written by Hoyt Axton, but made popular by Three Dog Night, 1971," you get 20 bonus points.  If you said, "Spain?  Did you take a wrong turn somewhere?"  No, but thanks for asking.  We did, however, go through Madrid today.

Leaving Taos.  To make sure we didn't forget the town and their lousy drivers, a guy driving a tank truck with Taos Volunteer Fire Department on the tank pulled right in front of us, causing me to slam on the brakes... contents in the overhead compartment may have shifted while enroute.  No shit.  It wasn't the first time someone pulled in front of us like that while in Taos, whether in the motorhome, the rental car, or on scoots.  Shit drivers or inconsiderate?  Yes.

We took the "high road" on the way into Taos last week, we're taking the "low road" on the way south today.  It is a beautiful drive.  Plenty of fun mountain roads...

 I enjoy driving these kinds of roads... well, when some asshole doesn't pull out right in front of you, but I digress.  There were a bunch of river rafting businesses along this road, and we did get several views of rafts in the river...

And, some interesting rock formations...

Traffic was light on this holiday weekend, but probably because we took a "back road" once we got close to Santa Fe.  This road took us through the town of Madrid (and the reason for the "Spain reference" earlier).  If that doesn't ring a bell, it is the town where Maggie's Diner is in the movie Wild Hogs...

This town of about 200 was bustling (can't tell that from the photo above, as we were just coming into town).  It is known as a "hippie town," with little shops and art/craft galleries of sorts.  I think I would have enjoyed walking around, but there was no place to park the motorhome.  So, we pushed on.

Plenty of motorcyclists out enjoying this beautiful day...

No, we didn't miss being out on our bikes; we're happy to be working our way towards home.  More fun mountain roads...

This road eventually dropped us onto Interstate 40 east of Albuquerque.  We passed at least a dozen casinos along the way, and our planned stop for the day is at the Route 66 Casino and RV Resort... if that sounds familiar, it is the place where I left a bunch of skin on the cement pad on our way heading east (day 2 of this trip).  Yes, it was raining, and we were on the shuttle that takes you to and from the casino, and I ran ahead of Joan so I could get the door of the coach unlocked so she wouldn't get too wet from the rain... I tripped on the edge of the cement pad, and tore up both knees and an elbow.  No PTSD as we pulled into the site, but when I let Steph know where we are down for the day, she said, "If it is raining when you come back to your site, DO NOT RUN!"  That reminder was not necessary.

After we go to the casino for a but of gaming and a meal, we plan to take advantage of the hot tub (and swimming pool) that they have here at the resort.  I would have used the hot tub last tine, but you aren't supposed to go in it with an open wound.  Yeah, that really isn't that funny.

I wanted to stop here, not for the hot tub, but this is one of the nicest RV parks we were in this entire trip... and the only one with a hot tub.

Since you will be wondering: Murphy did fine with the trip today.  He spent most of it in his carrier with the door open, on the floor by our seats.  No fuss.  He did get a good walk this morning before we left Taos.  And, a good meal when we got to this park... and now, he is down for a nap...

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