Saturday, September 7, 2024

You know what sucks about getting older?


Yeah, there's a lot of things.  At this point, some people will tell you "It's better than the alternative"... maybe if that alternative is drinking the blood of a young person.  Whoa - a bit dark this morning, aren't ya, Jim?"

Someone woke me up at 1:30 am to tell me that "the wind is really blowing."  Thanks for the weather update.  The concern was: that pop-up kiosk we put over the hot tub may blow into the next county.  Honestly, Maricopa is a big county.  Besides, after I used the hot tub last night, I had lowered the legs of the kiosk, in case the forecast wind did come up.  It did.

And now, this post's episode of "What Sucks About Getting Older": every time you do something that requires physical strength or agility... you get hurt.  Even if you're trying to do something good.  Well, especially if you try to do something good.  Joan wanted the kiosk to be folded up and laid down... she asked, "How do you collapse it?"

"You get underneath and pull the puck-thingy that is in the middle.  This, of course, is more easily accomplished if the legs on the kiosk allow you to have standing room under it... at this juncture, they did not.  Joan got whacked by something under the kiosk (my fault, apparently) and got herself trapped under the short height of the kiosk.  Realizing the situation was dire, I held back the urge to laugh.  And, I came to a solution: "I'll life this side of it and you scoot out from under."

It worked.  Neither of us were unscathed.  My shoulder hurt like a son-of-a... well, it hurt.  We put the weights we had on the feet of the kiosk on top of the folded structure and went back inside.  Sleep did not come easy.

This morning, I used the TENS machine on my shoulder.  Took some ibuprofen.  Went out for a morning soak in the hot tub, being sure to get that shoulder in front of the jets.

Joan was done in the shower when I came in, so it was my turn.  I discovered how much of an RVer I am: standing in front of the toilet, there is no pedal to flush it with your foot.  You have to use your hand and decided "Is it a full flush or a half flush?"  That decision made, I turned on the water in the shower before I got in.  (No photos - you're welcome.) Damn, these house showers use a lot of water; no button to push to stop the flow of water to the shower head.  And when I got out to shave, I found myself turning the water off between each stroke of the razor.  Really, if everyone would spend some time as an RVer, society would use a lot less water.  On the bright side, I let the warm water from the shower run onto my shoulder for a while... it felt decadent.  And, my shoulder felt better.

Now, we're heading out.  First to the motorhome, where we'll return some things that came inside to get washed.  Then, from there, we're going to an "RV Show" at the stadium.  That's in quotes, because it is one or two of the RV dealers in the area who have moved their inventory from their sales lot to the stadium (they rented), because we all know that it is less expensive to sell an RV that way.  Or not.

Just out to look around a bit.  Research.  And not do any heavy lifting.  ;-)


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