Monday, September 9, 2024

Spa Day and Together in the Shower...


"Is this going to be another TMI/oversharing post, Jim?"

Well, not intentionally.  I am speaking of Murphy - he sat on the floor just outside the shower while I was in it this morning.  When I shut the water off, I opened the door and he walked right in... water doesn't seem to bother him.  That said, I haven't let him in the shower while the water is running.

When I was done shaving and brushing my teeth, Murphy was having a "spa day": a thorough brushing, nails trimmed, ears cleaned, and teeth brushed.  Yes, he goes along with all of that with very little fuss.  You may remember that early on when we got him, we made repeated trips to the vet to cure an ear infection.  The vet thought it might be a food allergy (inclusive), I think Murph came to us with that ear infection.  No sign of it (ear scratching or head shaking) until a regular exam at the vet turned it up.  All good these days and we want to keep it that way.

Murphy also got some outdoor time this morning.  Joan was up before me (unusual), and she fed him and got him some time in the courtyard.  After I got up and took care of my morning routine, I took him out again for some more time in the hot fresh air.  (Predicted to be 108º for a high today.)

Murphy has his own bar stool, with a cooling pad.  He likes to sit on that looking out the patio door.  Well, in that photo above, he is being cute for the camera.

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