Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Be it ever so humble...


... there's no place like home.

If you said, "On every Grandma's framed needlepoint," you get 25 bonus points.  If you said, "Home! Sweet Home! is a song adapted from American actor and dramatist John Howard Payne's 1823 opera," you get 5 points for knowing how to use Google.

We pulled up in front of our house just before noon.  About 1:20 pm, we had the coach unloaded, fridge turned off, propane turned off, 12 volt power turned off.  It is going to take a while to put all the stuff away, but we can do that at our leisure... in our lovely air conditioned house, because it is now 103º and expected to reach 108º later this afternoon.

I will post more when I get a chance, because it was a pretty scenic drive through Payson and down into the Fountain Springs area; and then another 40 minutes of big city driving.  I was a little rusty on that; oh, sure, we drove through Oklahoma City, Memphis, Nashville, and Knoxville on the way there and back, but the population of all those added together is still smaller than the greater Phoenix area.  With Joan navigating I threaded the motorhome and cargo trailer through the Loop 202 to the Loop 101 to the Loop 202, around the south side of South Mountain and then finally to our home...


Joan took a bunch of photos as we drive through the mountains in the Tonto National Forest; here is a bit of a preview...

The plan is to get the scoots unloaded tomorrow and get the motorhome put into our storage place.  Plenty to be done around the house and getting things put away.

Yes, Murphy remembers his house... he said, "It doesn't move and I have LOTS of room to run!"  He's a happy boy.


About 2 minutes after we rolled up in front of the house, we got a text from Steph: "I see you!  Welcome home!"  (security cameras ;-) )


All things considered, I think we did pretty good with the heat today.  There were a bunch of trips from the motorhome to the house, but we had the a/c on in the coach and the house... so, it was just that to and from stuff.  There is a good chance of breaking some heat records - the weather weasels like to talk about that.  Today was day 100 of "100 straight days of 100º or more."  Yep, that's a record.  And there have been 54 days of "over 110º" this year.  Another record.  Yippie!


Here's a short video from today's drive (hand held camera, no external mic, no editing)...

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