Monday, October 22, 2018

Pulling strings...

Nothing to do with having connections... today, it was time to restring the new X10 with my choice of strings (Elixir Nanoweb Phosphor Bronze, if you're keeping track).

This morning, Joan said, "What do you feel like for breakfast?"

"How 'bout I take you out?"  It is another gray drizzly day, so I figured this might be our only outing.

She said, "Pier 19?  They have that Monday Special you like."

I'm in!

I cleaned up (she was way ahead of me), and we went out into the wind and rain.  Downright fugly as we drove across the causeway... this is a good day to not be on the water.

When we got to the restaurant, I took this photo looking out the window...

Besides the wind and rain, it looks to be about 2' chop with a period of 1 second.  It was pounding enough that you occasionally feel it in the restaurant (that is on a pier).  I had a nice view, though...

Breakfast was tasty.  No other running to be done, so it was back to the house.  I got things set up on kitchen island, AKA: my guitar work station...

No, our countertops are not aloha themed - that is a cushy blanket on put on the countertop to protect the guitar.  Before you can put on new strings, you have to take off the old ones... that was the plan.  The reality: the batteries in the power-winder had corroded...

Yeah, cheap-ass dollar store batteries.  I took a few minutes to clean up the battery compartment, put fresh batteries in, and went to work...

That power-winder makes short work of this task.  With the strings off, I cleaned up the fretboard and looked everything over.  I haven't had individual saddles on an acoustic before - I didn't realize there is some movement on them until the string is tensioned across them.  Tiny screws on each side of each saddle to adjust the height.

New strings on, it sounds and feels better.  Well, to me... I think most guitar players have their preference in strings.  Tuned up and "played them in"... it always takes a while for the strings to settle.  Took it back into the guitar room and plugged it in; I was curious to see how these acoustic strings would work with the humbucking (electric) pickup - sounds great!  And way less "squeek" as I move my fingers up and down the strings.

Yes, it is possible to like this guitar even more.  :-)


Bill K said...

Batteries must be related to Duracell's.

Bill Kelleher

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

No se. I did some quick research and found that Sunbeam is a US company owned by the same corporation as Rubbermaid... but, the batteries are made in China and get less than great reviews. As far as I can tell, sold only in dollar stores.