Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Oh What a Beautiful Morning...


If you said, "From the musical Oklahoma, 1943, by Rodgers and Hammerstein," you get 2 bonus points.  Two?  Two lousy bonus points??  What's up with that?  Hey, I have used this one in the past, so it's a "gimme."

I was up shortly after 6:00 this morning and saw that it was 76º in our courtyard.  76º!!  I couldn't wait to get Murphy out there... and he was pretty excited about it, too...

 I saw a couple new additions to the yard...

Vine purchases that were delivered while we were out this summer.  Joan is still in the deciding process about what all will go out in the courtyard.  I'm looking forward to seeing what she comes up with.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying this cool, comfortable respite - it is forecast to get to 109º again today.


Earl49 said...

That is one contented (and handsome) cat!

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Earl. I have to be quick to photograph this one - our previous kitties have been posers, looking right at the camera; Murph is a mover. A handsome mover, if you are quick with the camera. ;-)