Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do...


When they come for you? 

If you said, "Florida-based reggae group Inner Circle, 1987," you get 25 bonus points.  If you said, "The song got a second wind in 1989 when Cops creator John Langley discovered it during a search for his series' theme song," you get 10 additional bonus points.  If you only knew it was the theme song from that show, you get zero bonus points... everybody knows that.

"So, who's the bad boy this time, you or Murphy?" you ask.  Thanks for asking.  I am pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong, but this morning, after Murph had the humans in the motorhome awake earlier than necessary.  Some days, he doesn't get the morning crazies until after he has had breakfast, which is the first thing I take care of when I get up.  Other days (most), the boy is energetic and vocal.

When Joan got up this morning, the first thing she said was: "I didn't get any sleep last night."

"I beg to differ with that statement.  One of us was snorning, and I was awake, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't me."

"You were louder than usual last night and this morning," she said

"I was trying to keep Murphy off the kitchen counter - you need to teach your cat better," I said.  Under further consideration, I probably should have gone with "Good morning, dear," first, I suppose.

She said, "I can take when one or the other of you is a bad boy, but not both at the same time."  Pretty sure Murph and I both had innocent looks on our faces.

She knew what I was before we got married all those years ago.  Murphy, however, pulled that "I'm so sweet" routine when we first met him.  He is moving from that kitten stage to the adolescent stage and sometimes can't control all that energy.  I, on the other hand, do not have that kind of energy to purposely be a bad boy.  Yeah, pretty sure it wasn't me.


As the afternoon rolled on, the sky started looking a bit gray - time to get the scoots strapped down so the trailer is ready to roll in the morning.  While I took Murph for another walk (I think his 4th walk of the day), Joan put away the patio chairs and small table.  Murphy and I came inside when the sprinkling started.  Yes, the boy is smart enough to come in out of the rain.

Does the sound of the rain bother him?  No, but thanks for asking.  Some thunder and the sound of raindrops on the roof and skylite - he seems pretty chill...

Joan loaded some movies on the large iPad... looks like it'll be "movie night" this evening.  Tomorrow, we start making our way towards home (will probably be a 3 day trip; hoping to avoid some of the holiday weekend traffic).

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