Tuesday, October 31, 2017

If the rain comes...

If you said, "The Beatles, 1966," you get 50 bonus points!  If you said, "It was the B-side of Paperback Writer," you get an additional 100 bonus points.

Today the rain came.  Off and on.  Not a heavy pounding rain, but the occasional gentle kind of precip.  The weather weasels were predicting this, so we had today planned as a catch-up day, with our electronic stuff in mind.  It looks like it should be cold out there...

It isn't... mid-70s most of the day - it didn't change much from the 75º when I got up this morning.

I admit it, I don't back-up my laptop on a daily basis.  Nor weekly.  In fact it has been several months since I hooked up the external hard-drive... and there have been a lot of photos and writing that have been added in that time.  So, it took a while.  While I was waiting, I did a software update to my phone, then deleted a bunch of duplicate photos before backing up to the cloud.  Joan updated her iPad and phone, as well, and picked up the last of our "run it from an app" items from the Post Office.

I added a couple apps to run the new stuff.  Seems that everything is playing nice together.

It is Halloween.  Pretty much a non-event on our island.  There are only a couple families with kids, so we expect the same number of trick-or-treaters that we have had since we've been here: zero.  Seems that many communities (ours included) have gone to having a "city sanctioned" trick-or-treating event for the kids.  Not like the "days of yore" when we used to run through the neighborhood with big bags, getting full-size candy bars (nothing particularly fun about "fun size"), popcorn balls, cupcakes, and other home-made goodies.

Ah, the good ol' days.  Before you could turn on a lamp with your phone, without getting out of your chair.  ;-)

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