Saturday, October 28, 2017

More smarter...

Today was taking on the new smart thermostat.  We removed the old thermostat, labeled all the wires, then connected it up... just like is says in the instructions.  Nothing.  No power to the thermostat.

A call to our builder confirmed: no power connected for the thermostat at the a/c unit outside, since it was a mechanical thermostat.  He had one of his guys come right out and connect 24v at the a/c (one wire) and... lights on!  Well, the thermostat lit up.

Now, Joan is getting us all set up on-line with it, so she can control the heat or air conditioning from a phone or tablet... or, go all old-school and adjust it right on the thermostat...

Good to go.


MartyP said...

"more smarter" do have a way with words ! Thanks for this morning's chuckle..

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Glad you got the humor and didn't turn me into the Grammar Police, Marty! ;-)