Friday, February 5, 2021

I didn't study...


8 weeks - my first follow up appointment after the big poke and the pulling-of-the-tube.  I was told it would be for a blood test to check my PSA.  Not sure what else they will do today.

Whatever the test, I didn't study.  Guess I'll just wing it.  ;-)


Things went fine at the doctor's office.  We waited in the car until they were ready to get me in an exam room.  The nurse did the prelim and took blood.  The expectation is for a zero PSA number, but I won't know for a week.  The doctor came in and asked how I was doing, answered questions I had, and set me up for another appointment in 4 months.  She asked if I had lost weight... yeah, apparently, about a 25 pound prostate.  ;-)

Joan thinks that is because we have been eating better at home during the pandemic this past year.  That might be it, too.


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