Thursday, December 20, 2018

They should make paint outta this stuff...

Bug guts.

It was time.  It was a massacre - on the way south in the motorhome this fall, we smashed thousands of bugs.  If they ever take over the world, I have no doubt I will be brought up on crimes against bugmanity.  It wasn't intentional - if their Mommas would have taught them better, they shoulda stayed off the roads.

It was ugly, though: on the front cab of the motorhome (except for the horizontal portion of the hood) there was more square footage of splatted bug guts than not.  There was a loose plan when we put the coach away: we'll come out on some nice (not too hot, not too humid) day and wash it.  Well, we have had some of those days, but we were out on the scoots or the boat.  Today was sunny, low humidity (30%), but windy (25mph, gusting higher)... the wind was out of the north, so we knew it would stay cool.  Today was our day.

Out to the storage unit, where we pulled the coach out...

While I worked on the bug situation, Joan spruced up the inside and did our monthly "exercise" of the generator.  Getting my work gear ready...

The best part of the gear isn't shown: one soft-bristle long-handle brush and a telescoping handle that holds two of those blue things in the photo above; those are great for wiping down after the scrubbing.  Oh, and that light colored thing at center right: that's a bug scrubber pad.  It was helpful, but I still had to go over everything four times... and, when I rinsed it and dried it, I found I had only removed about 98% of the bug guts.  No, I couldn't see it while the coach was still wet.

For now, it'll do.

By the time we're ready to use the coach again (in about a month), there should be way fewer bugs out there.  Which brings to mind this age old question:  What's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits your windshield?

Its ass.

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