Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Wave...


If you live in this area, you know the local bus system used to be called "the Wave" and it provides free rides around Port Isabel and South Padre Island.  It's now known as "Island Metro" and is connected with bus service to/from Brownsville.  It operates daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. The shuttle runs the length on the Island, stopping at beach accesses, hotels, restaurants, attractions, and other points of interest. Island Metro also has another route that crosses the Queen Isabella Causeway into Port Isabel. All of the shuttles are equipped with a bicycle rack, ADA accessible with wheelchair lifts, and offer complimentary WiFi.

But, I'm talking about this wave...

A lot of bikers wave to each other.  I do.  Most wave back.  Some don't.  I'm OK with that.  Any time I'm riding, I feel joyous.  Today on one of the scooter/motorcycle forums where I participate, someone posted this...



Earl49 said...

I always took the wave as a question. “Are you having fun?” My wave back answered yes. If you didn’t wave, I took it to mean “I’m having so much fun right now that I can’t take my hand off the grip at the moment.” The wave is still reflexive with passing motorcycles, even if walking or riding on the recumbent trike.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

That's a good take on it, too, Earl. I have jokingly said that I like to pull up next to the biggest, meanest biker I can find, wave like a crazy person, and say, "Greetings to you, fellow two-wheeled enthusiast." But, yeah... joking.