Thursday, November 30, 2023

Another visitor...


Joan was working on some wardrobe boxes in the garage - it's pretty much what's left to go through before the car can go in there.  While hanging some things in the closet in the music room (on Steph and Dan's side), Joan had a helper follow her back to our side of the house...

 This is Tasha.  She is a beautiful Siberian Forest Cat.  I call her the Grande Dame of Steph's trio of felines.  Tasha and Joan have a connection - when Steph first got Tasha years ago, we were here in Arizona.  With Steph off to work, Joan and I spent some time with Tasha, getting her used to life in Steph and Dan's house.

I have posted some of her kitten photos - easily the prettiest feline kitten I've ever seen.  And she has grown into a big beautiful girl.  Bigger than Rufus or Steph and Dan's male Siberian, Alfie.

Tasha nosed around the house a bit.  No doubt she could smell Rufus.  She had seen Ruf when I walked him around to their side of the house and they looked at each other through the sliding screen door.  No hissing, no fuss.

We still have Ruf's tower in the living room - Tasha had to check that out...

Everything was fine until Tasha felt the need to walk behind the TV (it's on that counter to the right in that photo)... we don't allow kitties on the countertops.  Joan told her, "No,"... it was apparent that Tasha was not used to that word.  So, she had to go back home.

"Are these kitty visits hard on you?" you ask.  We miss Rufus all the time.  But our grandkitties are very different from Ruf.  It isn't a reminder of what we have lost.  We're dealing.  Joan and I each have our times of the day that are the toughest... I like to think we help each other through those times.


Speaking of "our side" and "their side," I was visiting with Mark and friends yesterday while we took a pizza break.  The premise of this NextGen home isn't well known.  I was asked, "Do you have a common area?"  No.  They are completely separate, but share a couple walls.  There is an adjoining door between each side.  We have separate front doors, living rooms, kitchens, etc.  Seems that when people hear "separate kitchens," it starts making sense.  Well, except for living so close to your kid.  ;-)

"How's it working out for you?" is a common question.  Fine.  No, we don't eat every meal together and we don't sit around in the evenings in one living room.  So far, Steph has taken the time to open that adjoining door and tell us "Good night," when they're ready to go to bed.  That's nice.  They have jobs that start first thing in the morning, so they generally go to bed way before us.

Our yards are a "wrap around" situation: their yard is on the east side of the house, ours is on the south side.  There is a paver sidewalk that goes all the way around the house.  We each have a grilling (griddling) area on our own separate patio.  The hot tub is closest to our door, but we went in on it together so it is available for all of us.  I volunteered to do the regular upkeep on that, since I use it the most.  The Tuff Shed we had put in has doors on either side, so we each have easy access.

We don't hear them from our side... although we did hear Tango "crying" when we let him come into our house a few days ago.  I'm assuming they don't hear us, either.

It's a unique situation.  As long as everyone is thoughtful, I don't see any issues.  It has been better than I anticipated.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023



"You sold your new house already??"  No, but thanks for asking.  I put this up on eBay last week...

 It's a Canon G3X camera.  I got it when we were working in the San Juans, thinking the zoom lens on it would be good for whale photos.  The lens was good, but the speed of the zoom and focus were a bit slow.  It was a great camera in its day, but I haven't used it in quite a while, especially since I started using my iPhone for most photos.

Joan suggested I give it to Goodwill, but I decided to put it up on eBay.  It's been a while since I've sold anything there.  It takes a while to get into the swing of things, and I had plenty to do to get it ready for the auction.  I was hoping to get $200 for it.  In the end, it sold for $245 plus tax and shipping... by the time eBay took their cut, I got just over that $200.  Better than giving it away.

So, I'm off to the Post Office this morning to get a Priority box and get it shipped.

Today will be a music day - I'm getting together with Mark and friends.  I missed two weeks ago; that was the day Rufus got his lungs tapped to remove the fluid.  Joan is going with me today - she and Cindy (Mark's wife) have some things planned.

Time to take on the day.


I had a great afternoon of music with Mark and friends (Ron, Danny, and Gil) - all fun to be around.  Besides playing some of our using songs, we worked up a song from Jimmy Buffett's last album: My Gummie Just Kicked In.  It's so new that there are no tabs released for it, yet, so thanks to Mark for working it up for us.

Joan and Cindy went out for lunch then some shopping around for trees and shrubs - getting some ideas for what Joan wants in the yard.  They were back in time to listen to, and applaud, for a few songs.

When we were making the drive home, Joan pulled out a card that Cindy had put in Joan's purse: it was a beautiful condolences card also letting us know that a donation to save a deserving animal at the Humane Society was made in Rufus's honor.  Very touching... and tough to drive when you're misty-eyed.  They are special friends.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

And I hepped...


That's a reference from the Shake 'n Bake commercials from back in the 70s, where the little girl helped make the chicken by shaking before Mom did the baking.

This morning, there was some running to be done: a package to take to the UPS Store (we missed the driver yesterday, but he left a return tag) and a grocery run to Wally World.  The box being returned held a piece of wall art that was poorly packaged and misrepresented - and by "poorly packaged," I mean: one side of the box wasn't taped when it arrived.  Fortunately, the art piece inside it was scratched and bent.  Fortunate?  Yes, because it was also fugly... a matte finished that showed every scratch and sucked the life and color out of the piece.  I can't believe the seller wants this thing back - they would have been money ahead to say, "Just toss it."  Which we would have done, because... fugly.  And damaged.  And fugly.

The box is just a bit longer than my outstretched arms, so it was ungainly to haul to the car and then into the UPS Store.  And this seller (through Amazon) gets to pay to ship this piece of crap back that they will undoubtedly throw away.

On to Walmart.  Every Walmart is different; oh, they have mostly the same stuff, but the clientele and "feel" of each store is representative of the neighborhood.  At the Walmart in our former home town in Texas, the store clientele changed with the seasons: Winter Texans all winter.  They like to park their carts in the middle of the aisle (generally at a diagonal so it takes up more space) while they visit.  Weekends, it is more Mexican nationals and Valley people, with screaming kids, heading to the beach.  Weekday mornings are a good time to go there.

The Walmart closest to us here is about 3 1/2 miles away.  It is more of a melting pot of ethnic backgrounds.  For some reason, about 73% of the people in there feel the need to be on their phones while shopping... some talking, some just watching videos.  Joan has been there more frequently than I have, but I haven't figured out a slack time to shop... it's always busy.  As I've come to expect, there is the occasional person who looks like they are in their pajamas.  And always a mom with 3 kids, at least one of which has snot dripping off their chin... yes, out the nose, across the lips, and dripping off the chin.  Joan is pleased that the store has, so far, always looked clean.

And I hepped... um, helped.  I took back the first cart because it had square wheels.  The second cart had one wheel that didn't touch the floor - you get a good upper body workout by trying to keep it running straight.  I think Joan had 6 things on her list, yet we managed to spend $86; that's below our average.

One thing we needed: air filters for the air conditioner.  The size we needed was on the top shelf, out of reach.  Joan went one aisle over and brought back a step ladder - a lot faster than trying to round up an employee.  Over on the food side of the store, she was able to step on the front rack of the shopping cart to reach another high placed item - I put my weight on the back of the cart to keep it from tipping while she was on it.  Standing on the cart shifted the wheel alignment enough that all 4 wheels touched, but only 3 of them rolled... an even more intensive upper body workout for the rest of our excursion.

Back home, I still look around when we come in the front door, expecting to see our furry boy greeting us.  Not sure how long it will take to get beyond that.


Third time's a charm... 

I got out on the CTX this afternoon, with a plan to ride up that twisty road on South Mountain.  Of course, there is still construction and a road closure on a direct road between us and South Mountain Park...

So, a couple miles for a detour, but not unexpected.  What a change from the last two times with this destination: the first was packed with traffic and I didn't bring a camera; the second (on Sunday) was the "Silent Sunday" meaning no motorized traffic on that road.  Today, I had the road almost entirely to myself - never had a vehicle in front of me on the way up or down.

Mother Nature was cooperative, as well: 77º, mostly sunny, light wind around 5 mph.  It was a fun ride to the top of the mountain...

To be fair: not "Black Hills fun riding" - this road from the entrance of the park to the summit is about 6 miles.  The speed limit is 25 mph, 15 mph in the curves.  On my way back down the mountain, I went by 4 other motorcycles going up... pretty sure they were a mile or two above the speed limit, too.  ;-)

Once at the top (as far as the road goes), there is a beautiful view of the Valley of the Sun...

From this vantage point, you can see downtown Phoenix and all the other mountains that define this valley.

There was one other person at the view area when I walked to it - a lady who looked like Sheldon's Meemaw (from the Big Bang Theory, not Young Sheldon).  She said to me, "I saw you pull up on that motorcycle - was that a scary ride?"

"Not at all - in fact, it was a lot of fun."  I took my helmet off so she could see I was about her age and harmless.  She had a definite "midwest accent" and was apparently looking for someone to visit with.  We had a nice conversation: she told me she moved from Kansas (I was right about that accent) to Washington State to be near her kids after her husband passed away.  This was her first time in the Phoenix area and she was enjoying the sight-seeing.  She told me about her grandkids... how she enjoyed picking the youngest up from school... how she feels bad for most kids who don't get parenting like "in our day."  She has a son who is a school teacher, and how stressful that profession has become.  I told her that my daughter and son-in-law had both been teachers and how Joan and I used to volunteer in our daughter's class before Covid hit.  She told me how the limited sun during the winters in Washington was depressing.

Yeah, she had no problem visiting with a stranger.  After, "Well, I have talked your ear off - I better head back to the car...", a 40ish guy came up and said, "Mom, we better get going if we're going to get you to the airport in time..."  I told him it was me talking and that his Mother is a nice lady.  "Yes, she has never met a stranger..."  ;-)  I wished the two of them safe travels and headed back to my bike.  "Be careful on that motorcycle," she said as I walked away; I heard her tell her son, "It was nice to talk to someone my own age."

The ride down the mountain was just as entertaining as the ride up.  Once out of the park, I thought I'd try heading west on the road that was closed on my way here... it was open last Sunday, but not today.  I had to zig and zag to get to another through road and wound up in bumper to bumper traffic on Baseline heading west.  Lane splitting (or: filtering) is now legal here.  I didn't want to ride between the two lanes of stopped traffic that went on for as far as I could see... but I did go for the center turn lane... because only 3 or 4 blocks ahead, I was going to turn left.  That worked for me until I got close to the intersection where I would make my turn - traffic was backed up there in that turn lane, too.

Once onto S 27th Ave, I left the traffic behind me.  It had been a good ride... good for the soul.  Yes, I shot some 360 video (that's where these stills came from), but it will probably be a couple days before I have time to work on that.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Staying busy...


A soak in the hot tub this morning, then right into the shower.  When Joan went in our adjoining door, one of Steph and Dan's kitties was crying for some attention... Joan let little Tango in for his first visit in our house...

 Little?  Yes, Tango's brother and sister are Siberian Forest Cats and are significantly larger that this orange boy.  His physique is more like what Izzy's was.  He can be a bit shy, but nosed around the house.  I know he saw me walking Rufus last week, so he may have been concerned about another bigger cat.

I didn't get a motorcycle ride in today.  There were some tasks to get done.  The motorhome needs some attention - when we left Cotton Lane (the RV park we were in while we were waiting for the house to be done), the house batteries weren't holding a charge.  Group 31 batteries - heavy, dude.  When I replaced them two years ago, I went with AGM batteries at nearly twice the price of lead acid.  They had an 18 month warranty.  The previous lead acid batteries lasted about 5 years.  Hmmm... twice the price and they last less than half as long?  For that price difference, I can add some distilled water when necessary.

It took 3 stops to find what I wanted for batteries... well, first stop, second stop, then back to the first.  Sam's Club won out over Costco, since Costco didn't have any Group 31 batteries. 

We stopped first at the motorhome and took the crappy batteries out...

These beasts are about 80 pounds each and they had to come out to trade for the core on new batteries.  Joan lubed the sliding battery tray that didn't want to slide.  A bit of persuasion with a hammer helped the lube.  Lifting those out of there and into the back of the Equinox was about the max I could handle... one at a time.  The young guy at Sam's who took those away picked up one in each hand - showoff whippersnapper!

A side trip to the pharmacy at Costco... always something we seasoned citizens need from the pharmacy.  Then back to the motorhome to install the new batteries...

Yeah, those look prettier than the batteries that came out.  We checked out the 12 volt system in the coach (all good), then fired up the generator to exercise that and top off the charge on the new batteries.

We took some stuff out of the cargo trailer (including a wall-mounted rack) that will go into the garage.  Unlike the situation in Texas, where the cargo trailer lived in our driveway, we have the cargo trailer in storage with the motorhome here.

Then to use up some fuel bonus $$ at Fry's on that expensive premium gas - got it for a dollar less than the going rate, making the final price just under $3/gallon.  Plus, the Fry's in Goodyear (where the coach is stored) was 50¢ per gallon less than the Fry's closest to the house.

Late lunch at Oregano's Pizza.  Then back onto the Interstate and the heavy traffic to get ourselves back home.  All this ate up most of the day.  My back is feeling that battery lifting... I may need another soak this evening.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Silent Sunday... who knew?


Other than to move the bikes from our garage to the shed, we didn't do any riding during those last days with Rufus.  I guess we didn't want to miss any opportunity to love on that boy.

This afternoon, I decided that a bike ride would be good for my heart and mind.  It was more work than I thought getting the CTX out of the shed, turned around, and out to the driveway.  Joan helped, and that made a difference... it's quite a ways from the shed to the gate, and tough to get the bike turned around with 3 different surfaces (pavers, gravel, and turf).  I am hoping it will get easier with more practice.

My plan: take the bike to South Mountain.  And this time (I rode it a couple weeks ago, with no camera), take along a 360 camera to get some video or photos.

First order of business: get to a gas station - there was one bar left on the fuel gauge.  The closest is the gas station at Safeway, about 2 miles away.  The price on one side of the street was $3.99... $3.39 across the street at Safeway.  I gassed up and headed east on Baseline...

 The traffic was light...

It's about 4 1/2 miles east to Central Ave, the street that will take you to South Mountain Park...

I could feel the anticipation in my stomach as I rolled into the park...

In a short distance, I discovered the road that goes up the mountain was closed - barricades across the road...

That sign in the middle tells you that today is "Silent Sunday" - no motorized vehicles are allowed on that road every 4th Sunday of the month.  Hiking, bicycles, skateboards are allowed.  Timing.

Oh, well; maybe tomorrow.

I rode the 2 lane road back to our housing development - a sign on the road said it was closed for a 7 block stretch, but they must open it up when they aren't working, so I didn't have to detour.  Then, through the "maze" that gets me back home...

I could have taken the back road that is more direct, but I was just enjoying being out on the bike.

The video...

A pleasant Sunday morning...


After being up for a while, I told Joan that I was going to go out for a soak in the hot tub... to my surprise, she said, "I think I'd like a soak this morning."  It's the first time she's been in it.  Not unusual - we got our first hot tub in 1981 and haven't been without one since.  I usually soak alone.

The situation here with the hot tub is nice: you have a view of South Mountain and lots of sky.  I enjoy watching the aircraft fly over; we're far enough from Phoenix Sky Harbor that we don't get the noise, but you still see the jets against the clear blue sky (during the day - wingtip strobes at night), and the occasional small plane from the residential skypark on the other side of the foothills from us.

It was fun watching Joan try out each of the positions in the hot tub - it's a 4 person tub, and each of the seats are molded different (higher, lower, more recline) with difference in the jets in each position.  

When we were done soaking, we sat out on the new furniture.  It's comfortable; just need some shade.  I took a few minutes to clean the filters on the hot tub (once a week for the first month, then once a month after that).

After cleaning up, I made us pancakes, bacon, and sausage on the griddle - that goes a long ways for making this feel like home.  Of course, I miss having my furry boy out there with me when I'm cooking.

On that topic, I feel like we're dealing with the loss.  Yesterday, when heading to Home Depot, Joan said something about me grumbling... mostly about traffic and stupid drivers; but I made a concerted effort from that point to change my attitude.  Rufus was a happy boy - his way of looking at the world gives me something to work towards.


As we clean up the breakfast dishes and Joan makes some chocolate muffins, there is a snow ski competition on NBC Sports on TV.  It is on, but neither of are paying much attention to it.  Joan said to me, "Do you remember doing that?"

"That was a long time ago, and I never looked like that."  It made me think that there was a "Snow Report" on the local news this morning.  Yes, there is snow skiing in Arizona (in the mountains, well north of here).  It was 42º here in the Valley of the Sun when I got up this morning.  In the mid-50s by the time we got in the hot tub.  It will get close to 70º here today.  Clear blue sky.

I still miss the salt air and the view down the canal from our deck in Texas, but our view of South Mountain is growing on me.  To the east of us is something (a tree farm?) with tall palm trees, so we have that view of palm trees without the mess or maintenance.  I am enjoying the landscaping work that was done in our yards - it goes a long ways towards making it feel homier.


11:30 and Steph just checked in with us.  They are back from their apartment: they got rid of their couch there.  Someone was supposed to pick it up yesterday afternoon and they never showed up.  When Steph called them well after the agreed upon time, they said, "We're just leaving Phoenix right now."  Steph and Dan went to the next people on the list and they were there early today.  Free is a good price for someone, but free and having them not come when they say... not good.

Steph and Dan had taken the week off from work.  Today will be their last "day of rest" since they are back to work tomorrow.  It is nice that they had this time off and were able to get a lot of their "settling in" work done... not really much rest.

They have a lease on the apartment for another month, but they are moved out.  It was a good interim place for them, between selling their other house and moving into this one.  We had the motorhome to live in and the moving pods in storage for interim.  I think we are all glad to be on this side of the move.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

It's different...


I thought I might not make a post for a few days, but writing is therapeutic for me.  We both miss our boy so much - our daily routine is upset.  Everytime I come in the door from outside, I look for him, because he always came to greet me.  Joan turned on the Ninja for our morning smoothies - that was Rufus's cue to come for a Momma treat.  He got fed on a schedule, and my morning routine was based around that... how am I supposed to know when to take my morning pills?  I miss our morning walks; him sitting on my lap while a looked through my favorite sites on my computer.  The head-butt that I would get almost every time he jumped into my lap.  I look for Rufus, and... he isn't there.

It's an empty feeling.


Unlike most cats, it was rare that he was anywhere except right with us... he might get in a cat-nap, but it was generally right beside one of us, with a paw reached out to touch.

I won't make this a daily maudlin report of what we're missing.  All these "firsts without Rufus" are tough.

I went out for a soak in the hot tub before taking on the day.  Joan was already in the shower, because we are expecting another furniture delivery this morning.  Yes, American Furniture Warehouse - the four of us have bought all our furniture for the new house there.  As usual, I got a call from the driver about 20 minutes before their arrival to let us know we are their next stop...


Their delivery people are great - always polite and professional; always moving at a fast pace.  Someone has trained them well.  This last delivery (really, it should be the last) is an outdoor patio set: a couch, 2 chairs, and a coffee table...

It's comfortable - we all took a turn "test sitting"...

As you can see, this is out in the bright sun; the last piece to pull this all together will be the pergola that is 12 x 24' and will (hopefully) give us some nice shade.  It was a cool start to the day (52º) - the photos above were taken around 10:00 and it was shirtsleeve comfortable.  You have to watch out for that Arizona sun, though: cool with sunshine can get you sunburned.

Steph and Dan put up their Christmas tree today; we were glad to see that... with Blaine (the Guide Dog puppy) and three cats, they didn't put up a tree last year.  They picked out a new tree this year, with a spot in their new house in mind.  It looks good.  For a lot of years, Joan and I have put up our tree on our Anniversary (Dec 2nd)... the last few years, I've gone earlier than that.  I think we'll go back to the Anniversary this year; I'd be lying if I said I was in the holiday spirit.

Joan and I made a trip to Home Depot - she had scoped out a hose caddy there and wanted to get it (it is just like the one we had in Texas).  Lunch out, then back home... just in time for an Amazon delivery of about 15 packages.  Mostly stuff for the house and yard that Joan had ordered.  I hooked the newly delivered 100' hose up to the newly purchased hose caddy, while she assembled several lawn ornaments... well, gravel ornaments, if we're being accurate.  She had ornaments on the deck that looked out over the canal in Texas, and she is making this place feel homey, as well.


We went through more boxes - Steph and Dan are making a run to Goodwill, and we added to their load... a nice boombox and a portable DVD player (does anyone use those anymore?).  And a few things from my "recuperating days" that they will take to a place that loans out medical equipment.  They have one last piece of furniture (a couch) in their apartment that they are giving away on Offer Up, and someone is supposed to meet them there to pick it up late this afternoon.

The sun is about down as I am writing this.  It's the time of day that Rufus and I would go out for our early evening walk.  I probably don't have to tell you how I feel about this.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far.  I'm trying to be as normal as I can be... but "normal" has always been a lofty goal for me.  This abnormality is tough.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Rest In Peace, Rufus Murphy...



We said good-bye to our furry boy this afternoon.  The process was kind and gentle.  Fitting for this big, gentle boy.  The vet showed great compassion.  I held him in my lap while Joan stroked his neck.  Steph was here with us. 


This morning, we walked him around the yard.  His movements are slower, but he walked with his tail upright and bobbing.  Joyful.  When I gave him his lunch, he was slow to come to his food dishes.  I laid down on the couch with him... as a tear came down my cheek, he reached a paw out to my chest... to comfort me.

Rufus is cat number 4 that we've had in the family.  The only male, and the only one who didn't have to see us head off to work each day; we have had more time with him because of that.  He saw me through a hip replacement and prostate cancer, and was gentle around me while I was healing.  When we traveled, he was always along.  He made friends everywhere along the way - people were interested in how he came to walk so good on his leash.  He was friendly with people and dogs... granted, some dogs didn't know what to make of it when Rufus walked right up to them.

To say there won't be another like him is an understatement.  To be fair, we have said that about each of our cats - they have all had wonderful personalities.  And we have been fortunate that each of them have wanted to be around us.  Rufus would look you right in the eye when you talked to him... and he had good vocalizations in return.  Truly, a very special boy.

It doesn't get any easier when it is time to help one pass.  It feels like our hearts are being ripped out of our chests.  I have tried to give friends and family condolences when they lose a furry family member... "It hurts so much because we love them so much,"... "You gave him a wonderful life,"... I know these are all true because we have lived it.

A few photos of our last morning with Rufus...

You can see one of the big shaved patch on his side; it's where the vet tapped his lungs to drain the fluid off them 10 days ago.  His belly is shaved where they did the biopsy.  We did all we could to give us more time together.  Right up to the end. 


These are the last photos I took of Rufus this afternoon...


You are a good boy, Rufus - we will carry you in our hearts for the rest of our lives.  Smoke, Molly, and Izzy are waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

I made the call...


I made the call to Angel Vet Service this morning.  Rufus told us it is time.  The fluid has come back on his lungs... we all had a restless night.  We have had an additional 10 days since the diagnosis - time for lots of snuggles, some short walks on his leash, lap time, and time to come to grips with the situation.

We have had almost 6 years with this big furry boy, and we have cherished each moment.  I have often said, "He is a good boy."  That term isn't enough... he is the best boy.

Our hearts are heavy, but full - this boy has been a big bundle of love.


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving...


Only in America do we set aside a day to be thankful for all we have, and then the next day (Black Friday) is a free for all of consumer buying.  Of course, retailers have been having their Black Friday Sales in effect for weeks - each one trying to out-early the others.

Like many people, we go around the table and share what we are thankful for before we eat.  We're doing our big meal today at Steph and Dan's - it won't be much of a commute for us.  I'm grateful that they are hosting, but will miss all the good smells in our house.  Yesterday, while working in the music room, I could smell bread cooking from their kitchen; and an apple pie.

I am thankful for our current home situation.  Yes, it has been a lot of work (as my friend Roger said: "Moving is for the young.")  But, this morning while I was writing this, Stephanie came through our adjoining door to wish us a happy Thanksgiving.  When we first discussed this living arrangement, we all agreed that we "don't have to have every meal together, and that there may be days where we don't see each other."  It hasn't played out that way.  And I am thankful for that. 

I am thankful for the new home - it seems to be well-built.  Yes, there have been some "shake down" things to deal with, but that is to be expected, and they have been few.  The last part of the landscaping to be done is the pergola, and that is supposed to happen next week.  I will be thankful for some shade on that large expanse of south exposure on that side of the house.  The yard looks good.  There is one more patio set that is scheduled to be delivered on Saturday.  The hot tub is delightful - my back is very thankful for that.

I am sad that Rufus isn't going to get to grow old with us in this house.  We are taking it a day at a time and grateful for the time we get with this wonderful furry boy.  As of today, he looks good; I know his expressions, and he doesn't seem to be in any discomfort.  He is his usual snuggly self.  I am hopeful that there will be more time with him and thankful for each moment.

We have a plan for the day: Joan asked if I'd make breakfast on the griddle - it will be the first time since we packed up the griddle before we left Texas.  I have missed that.  Joan thought we might want to eat out on the patio, but as of 8:00, it is 52º out there.  She stepped outside with her cup of coffee to remove the tags from the new table and chairs... she didn't stay out there long.  Mornings in the desert are chilly this time of year.

When we went over to Steph and Dan's side of the house to check out the covers they got for their griddle counter and patio table and chairs (that's now 2 visits from Steph to our side, 1 visit from us to their side), Joan announced that she found the bean bag game platforms and bags - Dan was excited that there may be some playing today.  I am thankful that we can call it "bean bag toss" and not "cornhole."

There are still boxes in each of our garages, but we are making progress.  They are able to get one car in their garage, and I am hopeful that it won't be long before the other cars can sleep inside.  That also means we are closer to getting settled in.

I made breakfast for us on the griddle - it's been a while, and I have missed it...


Our Thanksgiving meal was with Steph and Dan - it was very nice, the traditional fare, and Dan made a sugar-free apple pie (to go with the pumpkin pie).  The food was good, and it was nice to spend this holiday as a family.  I didn't get any photos of us around the turkey.

After clean-up, Joan got out the beanbag equipment - game on!

It was the young'uns vs the seasoned citizens.  We let them skunk us on the first game... they were drawn into our plan: you could see the over-confidence on their faces... we then proceeded to trounce them the next two games.  Nice when a plan comes together.

Our first holiday in the new house.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Bright and early...


We got a phone call about 7:20 this morning: "Hi, this is Steven with American Furniture Warehouse.  This is a courtesy call to let you know we'll be there in about 10 minutes."  Obviously, they are running ahead of schedule - the delivery window was 8:30 to 8:50.

Just enough time to get dressed and get the gate unlocked.  The e-mail yesterday said they'd be delivering the tall table and 2 chairs, and an outdoor couch/chairs/table set that we were previously told was back ordered.  When they got here, we found out it was just the tall table and chairs... so, we'll be seeing them again.

We're getting used to this pulling up in front of the house...

These delivery people move quick.  Judging by the placement of our stuff right at the back of the truck, we were the first stop of the day for them.  They put the furniture where Joan showed them, and they were off...

It's the same table and chair set that Steph and Dan had delivered yesterday, but they went with 4 chairs.

More unpacking on the agenda for today.


Joan and Steph made a run to PetCo and Home Depot.  Rufus is still eating good; after the vet visits last week, we had to try other flavors to find something he really likes.  Rabbit is the current favored flavor, and we'll get him whatever he wants.

When they got back, Joan asked if I was up for more mounting of stuff in the music room... the only stringed instrument not hanging is a ukulele that I have mostly forgotten about.  She didn't forget about it - she ordered a shelf/hanger for it (some assembly required)...

It's the little thing at the far right.  While Joan moved on to other projects, I spent some more time in the music room, getting a few more things set up.  It is slow going - I'm working on the best positioning for sound and convenience.  A couple more hours in there, and it will be up and functioning.

Joan brought more boxes from the garage into the living room; I thought they made an adequate coffee table, Rufus was thinking more of a cat platform...

He and I got in a couple short walks today.  A couple coughing episodes.  Day by day.  Such a good boy.


Another call from the furniture store (AFW) this afternoon: the patio set that was back ordered is now "officially" in.  Yes, the e-mail from them yesterday said it would be delivered with today's stuff.  We are on their schedule for Saturday.  I would say that is it, for what we're getting (outta room and money), but I know better than to say it out loud.


We didn't quite make it through the boxes that had migrated into the living room - back to the garage with them.  Rufus hopped into one empty container...

As the sun went down behind the mountains, Joan finally took a moment to re-hydrate and sit in one of the new patio chairs...

Yes, Rufus and I were out for one last walk, this time around the yard - we can do it all without having to leave the pavers.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023



It was a week ago today that we got the grim prognosis on Rufus.  We had a tough couple of days where he looked wiped.  By Saturday, we were starting to see some of the brightness in his face, and then some coughing again.  By Sunday, he was wanting to go for his morning and evening walks and has that life in his eyes again.  We're not deluding ourselves - we know what is coming.  But, for now, we are enjoying every moment with our furry boy.  He had a good night last night: no coughing and he spent time snuggling with each of us.


I told Joan yesterday that I am tired of dealing with people... the workers who need to be in and out of the house, the stucco and painting people who need to be let in the gate.  Today, we have more furniture (patio this time) being delivered; a painter to do the trim around the exterior door that was replaced; a repair person coming out to deal with the dishwasher on our side that developed a leak.  We are coming up on our 30 day follow-up on things the builder needs to do.

We keep thinking that we are done dealing with stuff, and then more stuff comes up.

The hot tub has been a welcome bit of relaxation: last night I sat in it and watched planes flying over.  Sky Harbor is a busy airport.  We are a long ways from it; I don't notice jet noise during the day... don't really hear them at night, but when looking up at the night sky, you see plenty of flashing wingtip lights.  I find that soothing.

Steph and Dan took the week off from work.  With neither of them in the classroom anymore, that option is easier for them.  Like us, they are still going through boxes as we all try to get moved in.  Thanksgiving together will be easier this year... two full kitchens and no one has to drive to be together.


One of us decided it was time to go after all the boxes in the garage again.  I moved the CTX and the Xmax into the shed.  The griddle and the prep table have taken their place on our patio.  Steph and Dan's patio furniture was delivered and it looks great on their patio.  And the boxes... OMG, the boxes... it seems that closets, drawers, and shelves are full, but the boxes keep coming.  There will be another purge happening; Dan took some stuff to Goodwill and to the dumpster.  Their plan is to be able to get one car in the garage, and I think it will be happening soon.  Our side is a one car garage, and we are getting close to having the space.

Rufus plopped down on some of the papers among the boxes...

 Joan hung more photos and memorabilia in the music room today...

It is coming together.

A video look around at how things are coming together in our yards...

There is more patio furniture on order, and the pergola that will go over a good part of the patio on our side will pull it all together, giving us some comfortable outdoor living.  This was shot right before sunset; that long stretch of the house has a south exposure; the pergola should tame some of that Arizona sun on the patio.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Day by day...


We know what is coming.  We're taking it day by day.  The cough has come back, though not as bad as it was when we took him to the vet last week... but we know the fluid is likely coming back on Rufus's lungs.  The boy still has joy in his life: he is eating good (he has always been food-centric), still wants cuddles, grooms himself, we went for a short walk this morning.  His breathing is not labored.  When a coughing spell happens, it chips away at our hearts.  And then he seems OK again.

Here, after a walk and a treat, Rufus is comfortable, with his legs tucked (a sign that he feels secure)...

 He is comfortable and content.


Workers are actually showing up today: the guy doing the stucco around the outside of the door got another coat on it this morning.  It will be ready to paint tomorrow.  The painters are here right now (12:30) doing the drywall and trim around the inside of the door.  We live and work around it; in fact, Joan is ready with the vacuum cleaner while they are sanding... whatever it takes to get this done.

On the bright side: the guy that did the outdoor stucco work last week left a drop cloth taped over the door - rather than pull that down, we have lived around it.  Not particularly convenient to have to go around and open the double gate or walk through Steph and Dan's side and out their back door to walk around the house to get to the hot tub, which is just a few steps from our door.  With that stucco work done and the drop cloth pulled off, we have access and visibility out that door again.

Rufus and I took another short walk, exiting out that door.  Nice!  

It's a full-length (8' tall) glass door that employs a significant locking handle that "seals" the door in 3 places.  This new one seems to function properly - the first one was either a bad install or the door jam wasn't manufactured right... there was a fitment issue from day one.  Glad to have this almost done - once they paint the exterior stucco trim around it.  We keep thinking we have worked through all the work being done, and then something else pops up.

Yep... day by day.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Blaine's journey...


Steph and Dan left for California after work on Friday, delivering Blaine, the Guide Dog for the Blind Puppy In Training to the pickup point...

 They had a short opportunity to say their good-byes...

They have had Blaine for a year, spending a great deal of time on his initial training and socialization; attending weekly meetings with other puppy raisers.  They have been immersed in this.  I know it has been a tough good-bye for them.

Blaine has had some issues with his hind legs.  Steph and Dan have had him at a vet and an animal orthopedic specialist.  Blaine will be re-evaluated once he gets back to the Guide Dog campus in northern California.