Friday, November 24, 2023

Rest In Peace, Rufus Murphy...



We said good-bye to our furry boy this afternoon.  The process was kind and gentle.  Fitting for this big, gentle boy.  The vet showed great compassion.  I held him in my lap while Joan stroked his neck.  Steph was here with us. 


This morning, we walked him around the yard.  His movements are slower, but he walked with his tail upright and bobbing.  Joyful.  When I gave him his lunch, he was slow to come to his food dishes.  I laid down on the couch with him... as a tear came down my cheek, he reached a paw out to my chest... to comfort me.

Rufus is cat number 4 that we've had in the family.  The only male, and the only one who didn't have to see us head off to work each day; we have had more time with him because of that.  He saw me through a hip replacement and prostate cancer, and was gentle around me while I was healing.  When we traveled, he was always along.  He made friends everywhere along the way - people were interested in how he came to walk so good on his leash.  He was friendly with people and dogs... granted, some dogs didn't know what to make of it when Rufus walked right up to them.

To say there won't be another like him is an understatement.  To be fair, we have said that about each of our cats - they have all had wonderful personalities.  And we have been fortunate that each of them have wanted to be around us.  Rufus would look you right in the eye when you talked to him... and he had good vocalizations in return.  Truly, a very special boy.

It doesn't get any easier when it is time to help one pass.  It feels like our hearts are being ripped out of our chests.  I have tried to give friends and family condolences when they lose a furry family member... "It hurts so much because we love them so much,"... "You gave him a wonderful life,"... I know these are all true because we have lived it.

A few photos of our last morning with Rufus...

You can see one of the big shaved patch on his side; it's where the vet tapped his lungs to drain the fluid off them 10 days ago.  His belly is shaved where they did the biopsy.  We did all we could to give us more time together.  Right up to the end. 


These are the last photos I took of Rufus this afternoon...


You are a good boy, Rufus - we will carry you in our hearts for the rest of our lives.  Smoke, Molly, and Izzy are waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.


Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Earl. This is a tough one. Rufus was our boy, and we built our lives around him. Yes, he was a very good boy... and I will really miss saying that. There is a big hole in our hearts right now.

I think you and Alice were the first ones who got to meet Rufus, besides Steph and Dan.

You described the situation well in your comment. Thank you for the kind words. Thank you for being a friend. And thank you for being a Rufus supporter.

Hug your two furry ones a bit tighter tonight in honor of our sweet boy.

Captain Patrick said...

Jim and Joan,
We are saddened that Rufus is gone, physically from your lives. He will live forever in your hearts and memories of him. He was so lucky that he was adopted into your family and had great years of fun and adventure.

Yes, I'm sure he was happily greeted by your other furry kids, Smoke, Molly and Izzy as he crossed Rainbow Bridge. After jumping and playing like kitty cats do, they snuggled up together for a restful, purring catnap. Upon waking, they found 3 golden retrievers and 2 tabby cats to play with from our family. They are all sharing memories of their lives here on earth, thinking about the love that was showered on them from their human families. They gave back many times the love to us.

Our thoughts go out to you both in this difficult time.
Patrick and Kim

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thank you, Patrick and Kim - you painted a sweet mental image.

Jon_L said...

My eyes are wet Jim. Sorry for the loss of your friend.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thank you, Jon. Rufus was our special boy. There have been more than a few tears shed in our household. I appreciate your kind words.

Hinch said...

So sorry to hear about Rufus. You never get over a beloved pet's loss, but the pain gets less over time. I still mourn my two rescue greyhounds after many years.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Thanks, Hinch. Yep, each loss lasts the rest of your life. Another scar on your heart. You just have to trust that your heart will expand to ease the hurt. I have said, "Never again," in the past, but that would have meant we would have missed out on some great furry family member experiences.