Friday, November 17, 2023



Some folks have asked about Rufus, so here's the latest...

We are savoring every moment we get with him.  Not so different from anytime in the last 5+ years; the boy gets and gives plenty of attention.  We know the procedure to tap his lungs isn't a cure - it makes him more comfortable and that is worth it.  The plan is to make his life as normal as possible in the time he has left.  I took him for a walk this morning; gave him a treat afterwards.  He is eating, but not as much as usual.  He is sleeping more.  Moving slower, but that may be the after effects from what he had done on Wednesday.  We are giving him whatever time he needs - if he goes to the door, I take him for a walk.

He still hops up in my lap and gives me a strong head butt.  He lays down by Joan, looking to get his belly rubbed.  The belly is pink and smooth instead of white and luxuriously furry.

I can't believe it is only two days since they poked his lungs and belly.

He has lost weight (may be a function of all the fluid they drained).  He has not lost his loving nature.

And above all, he is a good boy.


I took Rufus for a couple walks today.  He still wants to go out, walk, sniff, and look around.  There is always a treat when we come back in; he has been eating good today.

FedEx delivered some wall decor we ordered.  Rufus enjoyed laying on some of the paper that was around one of the pieces...

Today, we dealt with the landscaper (yes, again) - he had to re-do the gate that his crew mounted crooked.  He finished the griddle area countertop on Steph and Dan's side, and he put pavers and smoothed out the gravel around the shed.  Until the pergola comes in, we won't see him again

Just when you think you are close to being done, the rep from the builder brought a guy to re-do the stucco around our exterior door.  Of course, he didn't come back to give it a second coat today.  Maybe tomorrow, or maybe Monday.  The builder rep re-did the interior trim around that same door.  This new door is nice - same model as the original, but this one is installed correctly, the seal is great, and all the mechanisms work as they should.

When the stucco guy didn't come back, I locked the gates on both sides.  Rufus got his supper.  I went to Steph and Dan's side to feed their cats and give Alfie his meds.  Joan spent some time petting on them.

I needed a stress reliever and decided to try out the new hot tub.  First time.  This is different from the hot tub we had in South Dakota, and certainly a change from the jetted tub we had in the house in Texas.  Here's a daytime photo of it...

It was nice to sit in it, enjoy the jets, and look up at the sky.  The moon is a waxing crescent, peeking out through the clouds in the southwest sky.  It was a good first experience with the spa.

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