Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Little Pot To Start the Morning...


Weed?  Oh, hell no.  It was actually a lot of little pots to start the morning...

 Joan assembled that plant stand - 121 pieces to get that shape.  No screws, all those pieces had to be hammered together with a rubber mallet.  The work to get the courtyard back to "decorated" goes on, as the heat allows.

I took Murphy outside first thing this morning.  He had a rowdy night... which means none of us got much sleep.  He found one of his hard plastic toys and played handball with it against the bedroom wall.  Then pulled on the door handle about a thousand times.  Yes, I'm exaggerating - it was more like about 2,000 times.

Going outside, we were greeting with a symphony of sounds: roosters crowing, donkeys braying, dogs barking, birds chirping.  But, no "city noises."  Nice.

I got a few photos of Murph enjoying the morning...

 In spite of the nocturnal "adventures," he's become a real cat.  I enjoy watching him explore around the yard.

I heard Steph and Dan playing with Rubina in their yard, so Murph and I walked around.  The five of us visited for a while.  Murphy and Rubina didn't play together, but they seemed OK to be around each other.  I had a nice visit with Steph and Dan.

And then time for Murphy and me to head home and take on our day.

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