Friday, October 4, 2024

Nice start to the day...


We have been occupied with the new Roadtrek, the heat has been "record breaking" (literally), and that has left scant time for getting out on the scoots.  I told Joan last night, "I think I need a ride tomorrow morning."

She asked, "Would you take my bike?  It needs to be run."  I really enjoy her Xmax and don't have to be asked twice to ride it.

I was up before the sunrise this morning; got Murph fed, did my morning routine, and took the furry boy outside for a short time.  It was 77º when I geared up to take the Xmax out.  Out before 7:00, the traffic was light as I made my way down Dobbins, heading towards the road up the mountain.  One woman in a black Mercedes SUV felt the need to pass me - twice - both times crossing over a solid yellow line (and I was doing the speed limit).  How did she manage to pass you twice?  She pulled into a left turn lane, I assume thinking she'd get through the intersection sooner, but caught behind a car that didn't take its turn at the 4-way stop.  Then, she went straight (yes, from that turn lane).  Then, she passed me again, on a solid yellow line, at the end of a school zone.  Which reminds me of the joke: What's the difference between a cactus and a Mercedes?  The pricks are on the outside of a cactus.  (rimshot)

I put the concerns about the woman in the Mercedes aside when I made the turn towards the road up South Mountain.  Very little traffic as I rode up that fun, twisty road.  The Xmax is a fun ride.  I stopped at the top parking lot to enjoy the view and drink some ice water...

I put Breakfast with the Beatles on my Sirius/XM through the Airpods and enjoyed the ride... before Mother Nature turns up the heat again (supposed to get up to 107º here today, 110º in the city).  The ride was refreshing!

Back home, Joan and I planned out our day.  We'll be putting the Roadtrek in storage - nearby instead of having to go to Goodyear.  The timing was right; security-gated, covered storage.

Murphy was entertaining us this morning...


And a very happy surprise last night.  Steph and Dan had a Guide Dog for the Blind meeting.  They are excited that they will be getting another dog to raise, and have been doing a good amount of "puppy sitting" for other dogs in their organization.  They were expecting to get a 9 month old puppy from California in the next week... instead, others in this Phoenix group had a surprise for them: their favorite pup that they have sat for several times is now in their full-time care until she is ready to go back to the Guide Dogs campus for final training sometime next year.  Rubina is a smart, friendly Black Lab... Steph and Dan adore her.  Rubina's current raisers know how much Steph and Dan like Rubina, so they will be taking a new puppy (8 weeks old) and have turned Rubina over to the Budzbans.  There was a surprise presentation - and some tears when they got that news.  We are happy for all of them.


Tango came to visit this morning.  He said, "Grandpa, they got another dog - can I come live with you?"

That lasted about 30 seconds when Murphy started rough-housing... Tango said, "Nevermind - I'm going home."

"Thanks for coming to visit, buddy."


I feel a bit of sadness that this isn't in the driveway...

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