Friday, October 11, 2024

Putting it out there...


Are you over-sharing again, Jim?  Probably, but that isn't the point of this post.

Murphy got to spend time outside again first thing this morning.  The boy loves his outdoor time.  I had to "steer" him back to our yard a time or four when he went over to Steph and Dan's yard (the yards are separate, but joined; think L-shaped)... he would come tearing around the corner to our yard, making Joan laugh out loud.  She'd like a photo of that running, but I'll have to get my DSLR out to get it.  I don't chase him - the boy is way too fast for me.  But, he runs with absolute glee.  It's good to give him the space he needs for that.

And then once back inside, he likes to have a treat, then relax for a while.  That is the "putting it out there" I am referring to...

 That is a luxuriously thick furry belly.  When we first got him, his belly had been shaved for being spayed because the person doing the prep at the shelter thought he was a girl.  He came to us with a very naked, skinny belly.  He has beefed up and furred up.  May be him maturing, along with good nutrition and a lot of love.

He is a bundle of joy.  Almost all the time.  Well... 60-40... that percentage is open to a flip, depending on how rambunctious he is at any particular moment.

And, he likes to have that belly rubbed.  Which is good, 'cause it's gonna happen when you put it out there like that.  ;-)

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