Friday, October 18, 2024



Shot last night, this is the Hunter Full Moon.  If it seemed big and bright to you, it is because it is a "Supermoon," meaning it is closer than typical, which makes it appear bigger and bright... and it was plenty bright out there...

 The first image was shot on Manual, with the exposure on the Nikon DSLR set to show as much detail as possible.  The lower image was as the moon was just coming above the east horizon, with palm fronds in the foreground.  There is a limit to how much contrast a digital sensor can capture - in order to even see the palm branches, I had to lose the detail in the moon.

This is the third supermoon of 4 in a row, and is the one that comes closest to the Earth.

While the October full moon is generally called the Hunter's Moon for obvious reasons, the Abenaki call it the “Falling Leaves Moon,” and the Potawatomi of the Great Lakes refer to it as “Moon of the First Frost.”

Hope you took the opportunity to get out there and howl at it!

Oh, and before the moon came up in the east, this was the view to the west...


And this bit of news...

Build it, and they will come.  Joan heard they may be open by Christmas 2025.


A change in the weather... the excessive heat wave broke, after setting record high temps for 21 days in a row.  A "cold front" blew in overnight, getting us a bit of rain (first precip here since July), and a lot of wind.  Dropped temps into the 70s for a high today.  We were prepared for the change: put away all the outdoor furniture cushions and tied down covers on the patio stuff.

Joan and I went out for lunch - I had to put on a long sleeve shirt when we came home.  Yeah, candy-ass.


Earl49 said...

I always enjoy these almanac postings and images. I drove home from the bluegrass jam right into the full moon last night. "Potawatomi" is a name I haven't heard in a while (I grew up in Michigan and lived near one Great Lake or another most of that time). Have you seen the comet?

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Hi Earl - I have looked for the comet several evenings; using Jupiter as a reference, then looking to the right and up... no joy. Probably all the lights from the Phoenix area... people in the north side of Phoenix were seeing the Northern Lights last week, but none of that for us, either.