Tuesday, October 8, 2024

In The Hood...


This morning, Joan asked, "Do you feel like lunch out today?  We haven't been to Olive Garden in quite a while.  We can take the van and fill up the gas tank while we're out."

I like all of that.  Especially "taking the van."  Since we had put the van away with the thought of not using it for a while, it took a few minutes to get it ready to roll.  Joan had searched out gas prices and found a Sam's Club off 83rd Ave that was almost 50¢ per gallon less expensive than the stations around us.  And a Walmart a mile from that for a few things we needed.  And, an Olive Garden is the same vicinity.  About 10 miles away from our storage.

I said, "That area is going to put us 'in the hood,' just so you're aware."  Maryvale - not my favorite part of the Valley.  Our stop at Sam's just for gas was easy - the lines weren't even that long (and $2.88/gal).  A mile or so down the road to the aforementioned WallyWorld.  I did not like the look of the parking lot, but we parked a ways out and went inside.

Some of the Valley schools are on fall break this week.  Yep, that was quite apparent when went inside... after I pulled out, and pushed aside, 4 shopping carts to find one where the wheels would turn.  The aisles of the store were clogged with families with kids.  Screaming kids.  We only needed a few things, but when we got to the check out, the lines looked like what you'd see on Black Friday.  I could tell one of us was losing patience when she said, "This mess makes me consider saying, 'F it,' and going somewhere else."  We were 23rd in line (I may be exaggerating) for the Self Check, but that area was limited to 15 items, so it actually went faster than I expected... the other check out lanes were lined with cart that were heaping full.  As we walked back to the van, I said, "Maybe you want to consider a different Olive Garden, like the one in Goodyear, that we know?"  She quickly agreed.

I was OK with that - it gave me a few more miles of driving the van.  The place wasn't packed, but the service was slower than usual... seems to be a theme for the day.  The meal was good - I know some think of Olive Garden as the "McDonalds of Italian food," but we enjoy it.  (And I'm OK with Mickey D's every now and then, too.)

From there, it was buttoning up the van again in its storage site.  It was an outing.  It gave Joan the opportunity to take the Maryvale area off her shopping choices (I was already not in favor of heading that way).  And I got to drive the van for a while.  Lunch out.  On the weather front: today is supposed to be the last of the "Excessive Heat Warning" days (16 in a row of record highs, with 70 days this year of temps over 110º).

The Facebook Memory from one year ago today was of us leaving the Tropical Tip of Texas, heading for Arizona and our new home.  I shared that memory and said that it has been a good move for us... and that we were enjoying "life in the big city."  As long as you pick where you want to be.  ;-)


Earl49 said...

Wow, a year already! Glad the move worked out well for all. Many changes since them....

Our irrigation ditch was turned off yesterday, so the end of lawn watering. We'll have to start filling the outdoor water dish for the wildlife. I don't bother when there is running water in an open ditch along the back fence.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Yep, time flies when you don't know what you're doing. ;-) When we were younger, a move often meant a change of job, as well... no concern about that, but it has been a lot of adapting. And learning... insert your favorite "old dog, new tricks" joke here.

The end of lawn watering should mean the end of lawn mowing, too, huh? Nice that you keep water out for the wildlife. The geckos and scorpions are on their own here (that's the only "wildlife" we see in our yards).

Earl49 said...

We have a variety of neighborhood and feral cats, wild birds, squirrels and others who depend on that water source. In the winter, we use a heated dish to stay thawed.

We'll mow a few more times (at least the kids down the street will) and then vacuum up the leaves once they all fall. The last time will be about a month from now. Then we will be done until watering season starts again in mid-April. I plan to let them continue mowing for me next year and not buy a replacement lawn tractor. I miss that landowner task, but don't miss getting my lower back beat up weekly by riding over the bumpy lawn.

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Ah, the difference between Idaho and the desert. Good for you that you keep water out for the critters who come by. And good for you that you will be contributing to the local economy by keeping the young guys busy with your yard. I think that is best observed from your porch, with a cool drink in hand (your choice of beverage). And while you're at it, keep a couple bottles of water in fridge to give those young guys.