Monday, July 18, 2022

On this day, many many years ago...


A child was born.  Well, statistically, a lot of children were born.  I planned this whole being born thing for mid-July... both of my sisters had December birthdays.

Joan and Steph planned ahead, making sure cards and presents found us here in the motorhome.  I had a couple nice visits with my kid on the phone this morning - once was good, twice was better.  A relaxing day around the motorhome today because it is hotter than the Gates of Hell... the weasels are predicting a high of 104º to 106º, depending on which channel you watch.  Either way - uncomfortably hot.

Joan is taking me out for an early supper, because... that is when people of my age eat.  ;-)  Especially if they want to avoid crowds.

The important stuff: yes, I took Rufus for a walk this morning around 7:00... it was already hot enough that I knew I wouldn't be taking the motorcycle out.  It's OK - I never expected to live this long; I'm having a good day.


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