Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Full Buck Moon...


If you have a chance to get out and howl tonight, you'll be looking at the largest, brightest full moon of 2022...

 No color or manipulation done to that image.  It was the full moon as it just came up over the horizon, so the atmosphere "adds" color to it.  It will appear whiter and brighter as it rises further.

This is the Full Buck Moon, so named because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time.  It is another "Supermoon" because it is closer to Earth in its orbit; more so than any other full moon this year.

Plants are also featured prominently in July’s Moon names. Some of the favorites are Berry Moon (Anishinaabe), Moon When the Chokecherries are Ripe (Dakota), Month of the Ripe Corn Moon (Cherokee), and Raspberry Moon (Algonquin, Ojibwe)... courtesy of the Farmer's Almanac.

Get out and take it in if you have the chance.

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