Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Day 2, silently...

I played the new guitar this morning, for nearly an hour.  It wasn't such a shock to my hand and fingers, but I could still feel I was using different muscles in the hand and forearm.  Rufus knows that when I get the guitar out in the morning, he gets brushed... he was a bit confused that very little sound came out... "Can you turn up the music, please!"  He likes his routine.

Steph and Dan came by this afternoon, after school - nice to visit with them.  Rufus came out to let everyone adore him...

No, that isn't a "painting effect" on the image above; Joan's phone camera has a bit less resolution than mine.  You can still tell he's a handsome boy.  :-)


You may want to take a look towards the sky tonight: the Vernal Equinox and the March Full Moon will happen within hours of each other.  Expect the full moon to seem larger and brighter than typical once again.  This one will be known as: a Super Worm Equinox Moon.  It should appear full tonight and tomorrow night.


On edit: here's the Super Worm Equinox Moon...


Hudson River Boater said...

I can always tell when a Full Moon is happening-- My Wife acts abit "Off"..

Captain Jim and the Blonde said...

Apparently, your wife doesn't read this blog, huh?
